Journalists denied
Purtroppo,dopo la bella notizia,mi tocca riflettere con voi su una situazione che è molto triste.
L'articolo in questione è: Birmania: giornalisti da salvare. link:
E' il rapporto di Amnesty International sulla situazione dei diritti umani in Birmania. Si parla di oltre settecento persone arrestate durante e dopo le manifestazioni September, violence and torture. This is not news, you say, but let's talk, let's talk, let's talk, will never be enough.
I said, over seven hundred arresti.Giornalisti including, of course.
Some names: Ye Lwin, a journalist and poet, the soldiers beat and hauled away a truck to Rangoon; Htin Min Ko Ko Gyi, in hospital after arrest for head injuries, Maung Yan Paing, Kyaw Zeya Tun, Win Ko Ko Lat, and the photographer Win Saing, from August 29 are under arrest. Others were in prison for some time: U Win Tin, inprigionato for eighteen years, and now has 77, for writing about the conditions of detainees in prisons birmane.E 'very sick, Reporters Sans Frontieres calls for years when his rilascio.Chissà will be heard.
these, only a few examples.
Needless to say that censorship still exists, we have all seen how difficult it is to find news on Burma, become increasingly rare and frammentarie.E who knows who runs risks can be disclosed.
in E x is a concrete proposal to give voice to despair, we have removed the entire public : "These stories, few and fragmentary, who come from Burma interrogate journalists around the world. To support press freedom in Burma anything can be done.
For example, as trade unions and Human rights activists argue for democracy, because the Press Federation, meeting in Congress these days, does not decide to adopt those colleagues Burmese? And by all means possible to help others, yet free from Burma who can get us news and pictures? An initiative that could be associated newspapers and networks that do not forget, they could not send sent to Rangoon during the crisis of September. For days, weeks our newspapers and TV news programs have discussed Burma with news, photos, television footage downloaded from the Internet, for free. Free for them, but paid for by the risk of life who made them. It's up to us now prove that freedom of expression enshrined in Article 21 of our Constitution does not apply if the only people who can afford it, that is or should be a universal principle. "
SANTE.GIA WORD 'BECAUSE' do not? WHY 'NO ONE HAS Think before?
Hopefully something will move.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
What Size Wrench For Xterra Rear Differential
Night orange Lamezia Terme
The news I am going to give me very much! A Lamezia Terme December 1, will organize a day, and it goes on all night, dedicated to Burma, see article: A Lamezia Terme the night is orange. Art, music and theater for the people Burma link: .
There will be theater, music, exhibitions, all in collaboration between the municipality of Lamezia and free association, Amnesty International, other than locally, Pax Christi, public notices and Caritas.I names of some artists who will participate: Ascanio Celestini, Daniele Silvestri, the Tete de Bois, Andrea Rivera, Rocco Barbaro, Ulderico Fish, and many others.
All this, in the center of Nicastro, the 21 on Saturday at 4 am Sunday, Dec. 2, with only one goal: to express solidarity a tutti i polpoli oppressi,birmania in testa.Ci tengo a sottolinerare che questa iniziativa è la prima del genere in Europa.Ed ha un significato particolare,viste le difficoltà(la mafia per intenderci)che deve affrontare Lamezia ogni giorno.Come un parallelo tra la resistenza del popolo birmano e la loro,che va avanti da decenni(per non dire secoli).
Per dire no ad ogni tipo di oppressione.
Parteciperanno anche alcuni dei monaci birmani che hanno dato vita alle proteste pacifiche nel loro Paese.Questa iniziativa sarà la prima delle 500 che sono state programmate in tutt'Italia.Spero che ognuno di noi potrà partecipare a quella più vicina.
E chi non potrà farlo,sarà sicuramente con loro col cuore.
The news I am going to give me very much! A Lamezia Terme December 1, will organize a day, and it goes on all night, dedicated to Burma, see article: A Lamezia Terme the night is orange. Art, music and theater for the people Burma link: .
There will be theater, music, exhibitions, all in collaboration between the municipality of Lamezia and free association, Amnesty International, other than locally, Pax Christi, public notices and Caritas.I names of some artists who will participate: Ascanio Celestini, Daniele Silvestri, the Tete de Bois, Andrea Rivera, Rocco Barbaro, Ulderico Fish, and many others.
All this, in the center of Nicastro, the 21 on Saturday at 4 am Sunday, Dec. 2, with only one goal: to express solidarity a tutti i polpoli oppressi,birmania in testa.Ci tengo a sottolinerare che questa iniziativa è la prima del genere in Europa.Ed ha un significato particolare,viste le difficoltà(la mafia per intenderci)che deve affrontare Lamezia ogni giorno.Come un parallelo tra la resistenza del popolo birmano e la loro,che va avanti da decenni(per non dire secoli).
Per dire no ad ogni tipo di oppressione.
Parteciperanno anche alcuni dei monaci birmani che hanno dato vita alle proteste pacifiche nel loro Paese.Questa iniziativa sarà la prima delle 500 che sono state programmate in tutt'Italia.Spero che ognuno di noi potrà partecipare a quella più vicina.
E chi non potrà farlo,sarà sicuramente con loro col cuore.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Diaper Raffle Sayings
Good News from Amnesty
Pubblico una parte dell'e-mail di Amnesty International arrivata stamattina
Cara amica, caro amico,
Grazie per aver firmato i nostri appelli su !
Un ringraziamento davvero particolare, se hai sottoscritto anche l'azione urgente in favore delle vittime di violazioni dei diritti umani in Myanmar.
Grazie a te, la Sezione Italiana di Amnesty International è riuscita a raccogliere, in appena due settimane, ben 58.000 firme a sostegno Buddhist monks and thousands of peaceful demonstrators in August and September, had taken part in protests against high prices, severely repressed by the local authorities.
On 16 October, we sent those 58,000 signatures to the authorities of Myanmar and the Italian government.
Each of those signatures was crucial to obtain significant results.
On November 1, Myint Myint San, Tin Aung Aung, Tin Ko Ko and Paik (representatives of the main opposition party, the National League for Democracy), Par Par Lay and Zarganar (two well-known actors) and Amyotherwei U Win Naing (a leading political activist) have been released!
Cara amica, caro amico,
Grazie per aver firmato i nostri appelli su !
Un ringraziamento davvero particolare, se hai sottoscritto anche l'azione urgente in favore delle vittime di violazioni dei diritti umani in Myanmar.
Grazie a te, la Sezione Italiana di Amnesty International è riuscita a raccogliere, in appena due settimane, ben 58.000 firme a sostegno Buddhist monks and thousands of peaceful demonstrators in August and September, had taken part in protests against high prices, severely repressed by the local authorities.
On 16 October, we sent those 58,000 signatures to the authorities of Myanmar and the Italian government.
Each of those signatures was crucial to obtain significant results.
On November 1, Myint Myint San, Tin Aung Aung, Tin Ko Ko and Paik (representatives of the main opposition party, the National League for Democracy), Par Par Lay and Zarganar (two well-known actors) and Amyotherwei U Win Naing (a leading political activist) have been released!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Black Airwalk - Rollerblades
request for the release of prisoners from the EU and ASEAN
Burma, European Union and ASEAN, "immediately free the prisoners' link:
After tightening of sanctions by the European Union, and the condemnation of Burma by the UN, comes the request for the release of prisoners from the European Union together with ASEAN, the Association of South-East Asia. Met in Singapore, but have not set deadlines . "" We welcome the decision of the Government of Burma for engagement with the United Nations as a dialogue with San Suu Kyi, recalling that such a dialogue should be undertaken with all interested parties and ethnic groups, "reads the joint statement of the EU summit - ASEAN.
The summit was also attended by Italy, along with 26 other EU countries and 10 ASEAN, which had assumed for the first time an attitude of condemnation against the Burmese junta on September 27 in New York .
On November 20 came the condemnation by the UN, which is binding xò nn.
NOW TO SEE IF WE REACHED will work 'since the joint position of these bodies.
Burma, European Union and ASEAN, "immediately free the prisoners' link:
After tightening of sanctions by the European Union, and the condemnation of Burma by the UN, comes the request for the release of prisoners from the European Union together with ASEAN, the Association of South-East Asia. Met in Singapore, but have not set deadlines . "" We welcome the decision of the Government of Burma for engagement with the United Nations as a dialogue with San Suu Kyi, recalling that such a dialogue should be undertaken with all interested parties and ethnic groups, "reads the joint statement of the EU summit - ASEAN.
The summit was also attended by Italy, along with 26 other EU countries and 10 ASEAN, which had assumed for the first time an attitude of condemnation against the Burmese junta on September 27 in New York .
On November 20 came the condemnation by the UN, which is binding xò nn.
NOW TO SEE IF WE REACHED will work 'since the joint position of these bodies.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Life Quotes Butterfly
No fuel for Burmese Junta
We propose that an appeal da firmare,proveniente dall'associazione AVAAZ.ORG,che spinga le grandi compagnie petrolifere a non rifornire più petrolio alla Giunta birmana.
Ecco il testo dell'appello:
Total and Chevron, the giant international oil corporations, pump hundreds of millions of dollars every year into the the Burmese junta through their operations in Burma. This money helps arm the brutal Burmese regime and maintain their oppressive rule. As consumers we have both power and responsibility — let's use our purchasing power to end this terrible cycle.So we are launching a call for a global boycott of Total Oil and Chevron and all their subsidiaries. By hitting them straight in their bottom line, we can press these corporations to either push Burma to democratic reform, or to leave the country entirely. It's time for the power of transnational corporations to face the power of global democracy! All Total and Chevron brands are displayed in the image. To see which brands are in your country, check here for Chevron brands and here for Total brands.
Il link per firmare è: .
Siamo a quota 38,064,l'obiettivo da raggiungere è 40.000 firme,aiutiamoli,firmate anche voi e fate passare il messaggio on your blog, please!
We propose that an appeal da firmare,proveniente dall'associazione AVAAZ.ORG,che spinga le grandi compagnie petrolifere a non rifornire più petrolio alla Giunta birmana.
Ecco il testo dell'appello:
Total and Chevron, the giant international oil corporations, pump hundreds of millions of dollars every year into the the Burmese junta through their operations in Burma. This money helps arm the brutal Burmese regime and maintain their oppressive rule. As consumers we have both power and responsibility — let's use our purchasing power to end this terrible cycle.So we are launching a call for a global boycott of Total Oil and Chevron and all their subsidiaries. By hitting them straight in their bottom line, we can press these corporations to either push Burma to democratic reform, or to leave the country entirely. It's time for the power of transnational corporations to face the power of global democracy! All Total and Chevron brands are displayed in the image. To see which brands are in your country, check here for Chevron brands and here for Total brands.
Il link per firmare è: .
Siamo a quota 38,064,l'obiettivo da raggiungere è 40.000 firme,aiutiamoli,firmate anche voi e fate passare il messaggio on your blog, please!
Periodontist Salary Canada
New talks to Aung San Suu Kyi and stem death
Aung San Suu Kyi came out again one day x from house arrest to meet with an emissary of the military junta, Aung Kyi.Vedi article: Burma: Suu Kyi meets junta , link: http:// . E 'Ansa news, nn says nothing about the content of their talks.
Meanwhile, continuing the auction of precious stones by the military junta, see: Burma, thousands from around the world of gems auction despite calls for boycott , link: http:// . Even Laura Bush, wife of U.S. President, has made an appeal for boycott is shameful this auction, which only serves to swell the coffers of the Lords of guerra.Ma despite all the appeals, you know, the god of money is very stronger than the feeling of compassion, admitted that some people have it there, and then thousands have gone to win the bids and to speculate on pain of altri.Noi Italians are no exception, of course.
The Association of Jewelers of America and their members, such as Tiffany and Cartier, who received the calls, which also come from 'human rights organization Human Rights Watch. I hope that those who
acqiusta gems, all of these go their way to traverso.E Who receives the money you soon stain of blood, No if they are already.
Aung San Suu Kyi came out again one day x from house arrest to meet with an emissary of the military junta, Aung Kyi.Vedi article: Burma: Suu Kyi meets junta , link: http:// . E 'Ansa news, nn says nothing about the content of their talks.
Meanwhile, continuing the auction of precious stones by the military junta, see: Burma, thousands from around the world of gems auction despite calls for boycott , link: http:// . Even Laura Bush, wife of U.S. President, has made an appeal for boycott is shameful this auction, which only serves to swell the coffers of the Lords of guerra.Ma despite all the appeals, you know, the god of money is very stronger than the feeling of compassion, admitted that some people have it there, and then thousands have gone to win the bids and to speculate on pain of altri.Noi Italians are no exception, of course.
The Association of Jewelers of America and their members, such as Tiffany and Cartier, who received the calls, which also come from 'human rights organization Human Rights Watch. I hope that those who
acqiusta gems, all of these go their way to traverso.E Who receives the money you soon stain of blood, No if they are already.
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