After three months in Buenos Aires, we are leaving for Italy, where we will stay until early September.
My time here has allowed us to begin to understand a little of this country, geographically so far from Italy, but in fact culturally and "feeling" much closer than we think.
This is probably due to the nearly 50% of Argentines have Italian origins, and therefore they feel very close to the country of origin.
Here circulating a joke: " Argentines are Italians who speak English!"
The way to live of Argentina is very close to ours, of all countries so far visited, this is certainly the least "exotic" and most of Europe.
Upon arriving in Buenos Aires I was not pleased at all, I found it excessive and chaotic, actually is a huge city (more than dodicimilioni d’abitanti ), e come tale piena di forti contraddizioni.
Vivendola, ho invece imparato ad apprezzarla, ed ora la lascio un poco a malincuore; in questo cambio di valutazione ci hanno aiutato molto le tante amicizie che in breve tempo abbiamo stretto.
Una cosa bisogna assolutamente dire: gli Argentini sono molto cordiali, ospitali, curiosi delle esperienze degli altri, ed in definitiva ansiosi di avere nuovi contatti,con persone provenienti dai paesi delle loro lontane origini .