Monday, February 16, 2009

Harley Davidson Sayings And Quotes

A free woman

Figure dry, p elle-baked sun, strong limbs SCAV ate and shaped by the wind, a little face furrowed by r ughe with two clear blue eyes that light up when you open its expression in a sunny smile, and years, that are sixty, seem to disappear, to return the image of a young, blonde English girl living in Cape Town.

Schirley appeared in the bay of Colonia del Sacramento - after a night of sailing with a "Pampero" more than 50-knots, preannunciataci mail from mutual friends of sailors, a small boat (25 feet - just over 7 meters), yellow and green , with a curious tree, very low and place almost at the fore.

An exemplary story: started eight animals from Cape ago Town.L 'man with whom he shared his life, and with whom had to leave for an extended trip around the world, never ends the construction of their boat, missing something, and so for ten years! Tired of this grueling wait, one day decides to leave alone buy an old boat - what you could afford - the "Speedwell of Hong Kong" built in 1952, just in the Asian city, land of the famous naval architect Laurent Giles - even the boat would have a story to tell-and through the stormy South Atlantic to Brazil Cabedelo (just north of Recife) . Li meets Pit, a fellow who with a Polynesian catamaran-type 34-foot, self-built, wants to go to Antarctica, Shirley does not pray too much from the taciturn Pit (also we met and we know that nature has!), puts his boat in the dry part for this new adventure. Not reach the Antarctic Peninsula, but twice the "Cabo de Hornos" and after nine months will again Cabedelo

- "Nice, but tough!" -

Their paths diverge, Shirley sailing to the Caribbean, Pit enhances the catamaran, return to the south, it reaches its original destination in Antarctic and returned to Cape Town.

After various adventures Shirley stops in Trinidad, the "Speedwell of Hong Kong", it needs urgent work, his old spent shell in water on all sides! Pit, keep in touch with Shirley mail, convinces her to change the gear to junk Bermudian sloop, the easier for a loner, and does not find the best solution to help her, that building the new tree and bring it to Cape Town Cabedelo with his catamaran!

With the boat equipped with junk - who knows what he thought of the poor Laurent Giles? - Cruising to Baltimore

- "What a truly cool!" -

then Bermuda, the Azores, Canaries, Cabo Verde and Brazil again, until we meet these days. Always alone, with the only company of its big gray cat that follows the departure from Cape Town. Shirley told us that during all these years, both men left in South Africa, who have repeatedly called the Pit to go with them but:

- "No more men, so even if more difficult life is much more free! -

Shirley, simple, basic, discrete, but open meetings, mastered its own little world where you feel safe and made a real free woman and a great sailor, but the day part from Cologne to Buenos Aires, was accompanied by Roberto, a bearded Argentine friend, even the most experienced sailors, when they have to penetrate for the first time in the tricky maze of the Delta need help!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Where To Buy Schwarzkopf


I've never seen a chart with many symbols of sunken ships, such as the Rio de la Plata,
sailing between Buenos Aires and Colonia del Sacrameto, Uruguay, is a slalom between buoys that indicate hulls "undidos" and shallow. I always wondered what had caused this catastrophe, difficult to explain, even taking into account the objectively difficult sailing conditions in these waters. One answer, though sarcastic and ironic, I recently obtained in Cologne.
William, the friend who accompanied me Uruguayo looking for a spare part for my refrigerator, is a man grande con un largo viso simpatico, in cui l'occhio sinistro semi-chiuso , forse per un difetto di natura o per un incidente mai dichiarato, gli conferisce un vago aspetto da bucaniere. Durante il giro alla ricerca di un frigorista che gioca a nascondino con noi, passiamo vicino al “tailler” (laboratorio) di William, che ne approfitta per farvi una breve sosta.
E' un capannone in lamiera perduto nel nulla, circondato da sterpaglie in cui si intravedono scafi abbandonati e rottami d'auto d'epoca, all'interno, in una confusione totale di piccole barche in lavorazione, motori marini, alberi d'alluminio e attrezzature nautiche di ogni genere, spicca una teca in cristallo, in cui fa bella mostra di se, una riproduzione del “Victory” Nelson's beautifully restored and very beautiful, is the only thing that appears new and efficient, although, as William tells me, is very old and fresh from a restoration that lasted eight years. But my attention has perhaps attracted most of the wreckage that the beautiful model, and I ask my companion that engine is, the one painted in green and partially disassembled I see on a bench near the shrine of Victory:
"It 's a Volvo, we recovered from a sailboat sank, but the other one corner we have recovered from a wreck, as all the trees you see hanging on the walls, but come see what I'm doing out here. "
brings me to 'outside, and shows me with evident pride, the hull of a speedboat fiber of about ten meters, it is clear they are assembling a complete cover of decks, and "Flay brig".
"The boat we have recovered from a sunken boat along ten meters, covered by another, but bigger. We have adapted to the dimensions of the hull, and then mount the Mercruiser engine, you've seen before, and resell it. People have to earn a living! "I
the question naturally arises the question that has long haunted me, and asked William, because there are so many shipwrecks. With a grin that further accentuates its appearance pirate replies:
"Porque, por nuestra suerte, los arghentinos not Saben navegar!
Allontanandoci dal “tailler”, passiamo accanto ad un altro grande capannone, sul cui ingresso spicca la scritta – Museo de los Naufragios – mi vengono alla mente i racconti dei falsi fuochi accesi anticamente, lungo le coste della Cornovaglia per attirare i velieri con la falsa promessa di un sicuro approdo per farli naufragare, e poi depredarli. Che il moderno Rio della Plata, non sia poi tanto differente?
Gli amici argentini, che conosco come ottimi naviganti, non me ne vogliano per la frase di Wiliam, anche se a volte, ho visto molti loro connazionali, navigare in modo un poco spericolato!