Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Copper Volleyball Nets

Kodak Easyshare C743: a good digital camera

Posseggo questa fotocamera digitale già da qualche mese.
L'ho acquistata attraverso una serie di combinazioni favorevoli: attivando Conto Arancio (versando 1 solo euro) attraverso il sito di Media World online ho ricevuto un buono di 80 euro da spendere sul sito stesso. Quindi ho aspettato a few weeks until I found this digital offering "below cost" price of 99 €, in practice, I paid 26 euro (19 euro difference on good + 7 € shipping). Not bad!
obviously I do not pretend to have purchased a "jewel" of technology with this machine, nor can hope to match the performance of an SLR, but for my needs is just fine!

But let's start from the beginning and calmly.
The camera was handed to me by courier two days after the order in a box complete with a USB cord to download photos, an AV cable for video, a CD to install the software on your computer, 2 AA alkaline batteries, a wrist strap and an instruction manual.

The installation of the software (version 6.0) on your computer is not difficult and is quite fast. E 'is compatible with both Windows and Macintosh, and requires minimum benefits: ProcessPro 600 MHz, 128 MB RAM, 200 MB of available hard disk space, CD ROM, a USB port, color monitor with a resolution of 800 X 600 .
From aesthetic point of view the camera is really nice: all silver in color and extremely compact and manageable. Weighing only 145 g (without batteries and SD memory card) and is 92.2 mm long, 65.7 high mm and 32.4 mm thick.

We come to the performance: 7.4 total megapixels (3152x2342), 7.1 megapixel (3072x2304), respectable performance in absolute terms for a compact camera, but especially for this price range.

With the maximum resolution you will get prints of the category "good" up to size 50 x 76 cm.
Regarding the power you can indulge: in addition to AA alkaline batteries included, you can use rechargeable Ni-Mh, ossi.alcaline batteries, lithium batteries, or even wanting a 3-volt AC adapter.

In Photo mode you can select different functions: manual, automatic, portrait, sports and children (moving images), landscape, night, snow, beach, fireworks, close-up, backlight timer, and so on.

the self-timer mode, you can choose the shutter speed 2 to 10 seconds to 2 shots.
In the photos between a normal shot and the other there must be an interval of less than 1.8 seconds.

The camera has autofocus and auto exposure that you set pressing the shutter button halfway, then, before you press the shutter button for shooting, you should turn on the light green light "ready".
Le foto vengono eseguite in formato JPEG/EXIF formato 2.21 e in relazione al colore possono essere selezionate le modalità colore, seppia e bianco e nero.
La funzione video/audio si ottiene selezionando la modalità video e premendo completamente il pulsante dell'otturatore e rilasciandolo; un'ulteriore pressione del pulsante interrompe la ripresa.La ripresa avviene in formato QUICKTIME MOV (JPEG-4) con qualità VGA (640 x 480 pixel) o QVGA (320 x24 pixel). La durata del video è ovviamente in relazione alla capacità disponibile della memoria.

Anche nella funzione video è possibile selezionare le diverse funzioni di ripresa previste per le foto.
We see the goal.
The unit is equipped with an optical zoom (protected by a built-in lens cover activates the camera is turned off) to 3X, which starts from 37 mm (f/2.7 af/4.8) to 111 mm (f/4.9 af/8.5), as if to say semigrandangolare a lens to a telephoto lens. Starting from the optical zoom is possibile 5X digital zoom (with preview screen) by holding down the button to the maximum telephoto, release and then press it again. In this way you can multiply the potential for 5 optical zoom, although of course the image quality fell. In any case a red light warns when the quality potential of the photo shoot is that it does not get a decent 10x15 print.
the shutter speed to the target range from 1 / 400 of a second to 4 seconds.

The flash is set to automatic, which means that begins operation when the lighting conditions require it. E 'can change this by choosing for example the "fill" that activates the flash regardless of lighting conditions (with the subject being photographed in shadow or lit), the "red eye" with the double flash of light (although if your camera has, regardless of an automatic red-eye correction) or finally the "off" which disables the tutto il flash (consigliato per foto in notturna nelle quali si vogliono evidenziare gli effetti di luce reale). Ogni modalità selezionata viene evidenziata nello schermo LCD.

E veniamo quindi al display LCD da 2.4" (61mm e 112.000 pixel).
Sarà che non sono ancora avvezzo ad utilizzare fotocamere digitali, ma a me sembra enorme!
Si utilizza ovviamente in primo luogo per avere una anteprima della foto che si intende scattare. Sulla parte superiore e sul lato destro vengono indicate con delle icone tutte le impostazioni prescelte e le informazioni relative allo stato della macchinetta (come ad esempio il livello di carica delle batterie ed il numero di foto rimanenti).

After taking a photo, you can review it or see it again immediately afterwards. The call of the photos can be stored in single-mode to full screen mode and multiple simultaneous images with nine (3 x 3).
E 'can enlarge a picture on the screen has just been taken up to 8 times. Similarly, you can "crop" a picture is keeping in mind the larger picture originale.Le photo blunders can be deleted immediately or later from memory. The accidental deletion can be undone and then retrieve the photo as long as you proceed promptly.
The memory inside the camera is 32MB values \u200b\u200bmore or less in line with the cameras offer a similar level or higher.

especially in relation to the number of pixels you have, with only the internal memory can be made very few shots, so it is a must in possession of an external memory card, SD or MMC card. Again we are talking about fairly low cost: a 1 gig SD card can be purchased at a price of 12-13 €.

copying from internal memory to external or vice versa is done manually.

Very interesting is the online service provided by Kodak: connecting at www.kodak.com / go / easysharecenter it is possible to register and receive information on performance tuning of the camera, download software updates (currently available version 6.4) and get help on solving any problems encountered.
The camera is also compatible with the use of the Kodak EasyShare dock printers that print 10 x 15 simply by placing the machine in a special chamber and at the same time recharging the batteries (if using rechargeable batteries).

The instruction manual is easy reading and reference. The machine is still designed for intuitive use.
The warranty is valid according to European standards.
What can I say more? In recent months that have the camera at home I made several experiments in different light and movement: portraits, landscapes, people moving, outdoors, indoors, day and night and the results have always been extremely satisfactory. In particular, I was very impressed by the flash function in "red-eye": perfect results!

A little 'different is the discourse of the video shoot.
In this field I have no way to make comparisons with the performance of other cameras, but I can not be disappointed. Obviously for riprese video non si può pretendere la qualità offerta dalle videocamere, allo stesso modo in cui dalle videocamere in funzione foto non si può pretendere la qualità delle fotocamere.
L'uso delle riprese video con una fotocamera penso che sia una funzione secondaria da utilizzare per situazioni, come dire?, di "emergenza": se si vogliono fare dei video è bene ovviamente dotarsi di una apparecchiatura specifica.


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