Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sharpening Steel Vs Diamond

The Security Council expresses concern at the slow progress in Burma He asked for a quick return to UN special envoy Ibrahim Gambari.Bisogna to be made of progress, human rights and release of political prisoners and detainees.
Gambari said that he asked to return to Burma this month, but the council would prefer that the visit was postponed in mid-April!
Gambari also said that "it is not acceptable, so we are negotiating a return to Burma as soon as possible .."

EU: UN Special Envoy for Burma should return to ottenere la liberazione di Aung San Suu Kyi - Altro scopo della visita di Gambari sarebbe ottenere il rilascio di Aung San Suu Kyi,come dichiarato da Fassino,che ha anche detto che l'Europa rivedrà la sua politica nei confronti della Birmania,comprese le sanzioni,previa verifica dei risultati di questa visita.

INTANTO PERO'...................
confermate le condanne ad oltre 20 anni di carcere per gli attivisti sindacali, processati a settembre Amnesty International riferisce che 6 attivisti sindacali sono stati duramente condannati x aver partecipato all'organizzazione di incontri sui diritti del lavoro all'American Center a Rangoon, per il 1°Maggio dell'anno last year. Thu Rein Aung, Wai Lin, Myo Min and Kyaw Min sentenced to 28 years in prison, Kyaw Kyaw and Nyi Nyi Zaw 20. It has been appealed to the International Labour because they interfere x their release.
activists, sentenced in September with no possibility of defense, are in the Insein prison in Rangoon.

According to Amnesty International: Since November, 96 new arrests of dissidents today said Amnesty International. This , since the junta promised UN envoy Gambari, who visited in November, there would be nn more arresti.Ci are among the arrested dissidents, members of the opposition party Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democrazia.Catherine Baber, Amnesty's program manager for Asia and the Pacific, said: "After four months of the violent repression of peaceful demonstrations, but to stop illegal arrests, the Burmese government has increased them, "
" The new arrests in December and January for persons who have attempted to send evidence of the crackdown to the international community. "
According to the UN, at least 31 people were killed and 74 missing in the September crackdown.
Amnesty also said that at least 700 people were arrested in connection with protests and remain in prison, before that, in Birmania si trovavano in prigione 1,150 prigionieri politici.

L'ultima notizia che ho trovato è questa: Birmania, Aung San Suu Kyi libera per incontrare suo partito. Fassino in Asia .L'articolo dice che Aung San Suu Kyi ha avuto alcune ore di "libertà"per poter incontrare alcuni membri del suo partito.
Martedì scorso Fassino,come inviato speciale dell'Unione europea per la Birmania, ha iniziato il viaggio in Asia x incontrare le massime autorità della Thailandia, dell'Indonesia, dell'India, del Vietnam, di Laos e del Giappone,per discutere sulla situazione birmana.

Speriamo che Fassino porti buone notizie.

E che la giunta militare permetta a Gambari di return soon, with the hope that this time is found a real deal, then it is also rispettato.Basta with empty promises, the Burmese people are fed up!
I will try to gather as much information as possible, anxiously waiting to read something positive, there's really needed!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

How To Get Rid Of Poofy Hair?


No need to repeat the difficulty in finding fresh news from Burma.
I found one that makes us understand how dirty the soul of people willing to do anything to make money, No matter at the expense of those guys who, what that money will go, just to make a good deal.
The news can be considered as a follow-up to another post, I had published on this blog Monday, November 19, 2007: New talks for
Aung San Suu Kyi and the death auction, which also refers to the sale of the jewels of Giunta.Possiamo imagine very well how to invest that money. The auction went on, we had nn doubt, and once again the precious stones were snapped.
The new article in question is this: Burma auction is full stones, as it is quick to place the entire : "(ANSA) - Rangoon, 20 GEN - Nearly 1,600 lots of jade and precious stones were sold in a recent auction held by the military junta in Burma. Despite the strengthening of Western sanctions and calls for boycott against Rangoon, according to an official newspaper more than 300 foreign buyers were present in the capital for the sale of 400 lots of gems and jade lots of 1200. In November, over 3,600 lots of stones were sold for 150 million euro. "

x Laura Bush made an appeal for a boycott, as well as the Human Rights Association Watch.L 'Association of Jewelers of America and their members, such as Tiffany and Cartier, they collected these calls, and I would tell them thanks also on behalf of you all.
But x change, I would like to know the names of those that have done business and are finished behind birmano.Rinnovo the wish of the people I made at this time: that le gemme vadano loro di traverso,così come i soldi in mano alla giunta.E che il sangue invisibile che macchia le loro mani sia visibile sui loro sporchi soldi,e su quelle gemme,di modo che nn possano spenderli,e rivenderli, in nessun modo.Da nessuna parte.So che questo nn si realizzerà,ma sento il bisogno di sfogarmi.Perdonate lo sfogo di un'idealista sempre più delusa dal mondo.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sony Vocaleraser Grey


E' cominciato un nuovo anno.E' nell'ordine delle cose,il tempo passa,scorre,più o meno velocemente,ma certe cose nn cambiano.
E'sempre silenzio su ciò che accade in Birmania,le notizie sono sempre più o meno quelle vecchie che ricircolano.
Segno evidente che dopo la visita dell'ONU nn sono stati fatti passi avanti.Chissà se ancora qualcuno se ne sta occupando.
Chissà se ancora qualcuno se ne ricorda.
L'obiettivo di questo blog è tenere desta l'attenzione,ma nn è cosa facile ,visto che nn si trovano mai notizie nuove.
Oggi ne ho trovata una,e nn è confortante.
L'articolo è questo: BIRMANIA,IL DIALOGO CON L'OPPOSIZIONE E' SOLO DI FACCIATA ,link: .Già il titolo la dice lunga,no?
Continua il dialogo tra il Premio Nobel Aung San Suu Kyi e il generale a riposo Aung Kyi,ma si pensa che sia solo un modo per far vedere che the Board is willing to cooperate, but in fact to remain where it is anchored. As it turned, we hope to be wrong, but the fact that they have nn news and in the meantime has increased in the hundreds of times the cost of the parables satellite in this country, that people have access to foreign channels nn only state television and private channels, Burmese, who nn talk about what happens in the country, nn do well to think, no? The cost rose from 6,000 kyat on average, equivalent to about € 3.3, at least one million kyat (527 €), up, consider that the average annual income in Burma is rarely more than 200 € !!!!!!!!!! Last but not least, in Rangoon are sipping le licenze per aprire nuovi locali o ristoranti: gli unici che potrebbero sobbarcarsi il costo di un abbonamento!
Nei giorni scorsi,sono stati condannati altri 13 attivisti politici, 6 monaci e 7 laici,con l'accusa di avere agito poco rispettosamente nei confronti della Giunta e di aver partecipato a manifestazioni pubbliche di protesta sgradite al regime.Già,il regime nn gradisce il dissenso,anche se pacifico!Questo è il punto che accomuna ogni tipo di dittatura.
Inoltre,nel fine settimana scorso ci sono stati due morti e alcuni feriti per lo scoppio di ordigni in tre diversi punti del Paese.Questa la notizia trovata:link:

Bomb attacks hit Burmese cities

A woman has been injured in a bomb blast in Burma's commercial capital, Rangoon, officials say - the third bombing incident in three days.
The latest explosion occurred at a public toilet in a Rangoon railway station, witnesses said.
On Friday, a woman was killed by a blast in a railway station toilet in Nay Pyi Taw, the new capital.
And another man died, and four people were injured, when a bomb exploded in Pyu, north of Rangoon.
The government has blamed both incidents on the Karen National Union (KNU), a group fighting for greater autonomy for the ethnic Karen people.
The state-run newspaper, the New Light of Myanmar, said in both cases it was the bomber who was killed in the process of handling the bomb.
There was no claim of responsibility from the KNU or any other group.

Le proteste quindi continuano,anche se per ora nn ci sono state rinvendicazioni?Oppure è la Giunta che mette le bombe x colpire il popolo e fargli credere che si tratti dei contestatori del regime?Così da allontanarlo dalla loro causa?Dilemma,tanto mi sa che nn lo sapremo mai con certezza,ma il dubbio c'è,ed è grande.Perchè colpire così la popolazione civile?Non mi sembrerebbe una mossa giusta,se lo scopo fosse quello di rovesciare il regime,voi che dite?Attentati così fanno più comodo alla Giunta,a parere mio,ma resta il mio parere.

In all this darkness, we hear the words of a Monaco, U Zawana, who says he is ready to march again x achieve freedom, "Perhaps 10,000 people will die - written on Voice of America - but in return we will get democracy. I ready to sacrifice my life if need be, and many other monks think like me. "

Sunday, January 6, 2008

I Could Eat A Knob At Night

Shoot me! The Lakota Sioux

Very gladly accepted the invitation of 'friend Vince ( ) to give this video he made and product (as he says: to spread like a virus!).
With the music of the 99 Posse, Vincent gives us a montage of images very well laid out that we speak of rights, solidarity, justice, inclusion, diversity, tolerance, rejection of war and violence: elementary values \u200b\u200bin the third millennium should now be considered acquired by humanity.
Unfortunately we all know that is not true and the images are chosen by Vincent reminds us.