The Security Council expresses concern at the slow progress in Burma He asked for a quick return to UN special envoy Ibrahim Gambari.Bisogna to be made of progress, human rights and release of political prisoners and detainees.
Gambari said that he asked to return to Burma this month, but the council would prefer that the visit was postponed in mid-April!
Gambari also said that "it is not acceptable, so we are negotiating a return to Burma as soon as possible .."
EU: UN Special Envoy for Burma should return to ottenere la liberazione di Aung San Suu Kyi - Altro scopo della visita di Gambari sarebbe ottenere il rilascio di Aung San Suu Kyi,come dichiarato da Fassino,che ha anche detto che l'Europa rivedrà la sua politica nei confronti della Birmania,comprese le sanzioni,previa verifica dei risultati di questa visita.
INTANTO PERO'...................
confermate le condanne ad oltre 20 anni di carcere per gli attivisti sindacali, processati a settembre Amnesty International riferisce che 6 attivisti sindacali sono stati duramente condannati x aver partecipato all'organizzazione di incontri sui diritti del lavoro all'American Center a Rangoon, per il 1°Maggio dell'anno last year. Thu Rein Aung, Wai Lin, Myo Min and Kyaw Min sentenced to 28 years in prison, Kyaw Kyaw and Nyi Nyi Zaw 20. It has been appealed to the International Labour because they interfere x their release.
activists, sentenced in September with no possibility of defense, are in the Insein prison in Rangoon.
According to Amnesty International: Since November, 96 new arrests of dissidents today said Amnesty International. This , since the junta promised UN envoy Gambari, who visited in November, there would be nn more arresti.Ci are among the arrested dissidents, members of the opposition party Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democrazia.Catherine Baber, Amnesty's program manager for Asia and the Pacific, said: "After four months of the violent repression of peaceful demonstrations, but to stop illegal arrests, the Burmese government has increased them, "
" The new arrests in December and January for persons who have attempted to send evidence of the crackdown to the international community. "
According to the UN, at least 31 people were killed and 74 missing in the September crackdown.
Amnesty also said that at least 700 people were arrested in connection with protests and remain in prison, before that, in Birmania si trovavano in prigione 1,150 prigionieri politici.
L'ultima notizia che ho trovato è questa: Birmania, Aung San Suu Kyi libera per incontrare suo partito. Fassino in Asia .L'articolo dice che Aung San Suu Kyi ha avuto alcune ore di "libertà"per poter incontrare alcuni membri del suo partito.
Martedì scorso Fassino,come inviato speciale dell'Unione europea per la Birmania, ha iniziato il viaggio in Asia x incontrare le massime autorità della Thailandia, dell'Indonesia, dell'India, del Vietnam, di Laos e del Giappone,per discutere sulla situazione birmana.
Speriamo che Fassino porti buone notizie.
E che la giunta militare permetta a Gambari di return soon, with the hope that this time is found a real deal, then it is also rispettato.Basta with empty promises, the Burmese people are fed up!
I will try to gather as much information as possible, anxiously waiting to read something positive, there's really needed!
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