THIS IS 'THE ARTICLE: Burma rivolta'Noi of the monastery, monks who defied the regime' . IT 'S VERY LONG, but given the remarkable, instead of making a summary, THE PUBLIC IN FULL :
Pakokku - Five months later, there are still traces of the battle. Outside, along the boundary walls chipped by bullets inside the blackened wood floors, gardens overgrown with weeds, in the bathroom flooded collective, plundered the infirmary, novices' in the rooms empty and dirty. Even the corridors, a place of meditation and reading, are occupied by the remains of cabinets, chairs and tables stored in bulk. On the ground, carefully aligned in a locked room, only they were saved: the sacred books of the Sangha, the Buddhist Church, and the ancient palm handwritten parchment. The great monk, the spiritual head of the monastery, is engrossed in his reading. It 's just in the middle of the hall on the first floor where you can take lessons, lying on a bed covered with a teak curtain burgundy. We look forward, surrounded by a deep sense of desolation. The teacher's book fold. He sits down, crosses his legs, he turns toward us, her hands folded on the front door. "Welcome," he said minutes after that seem eternal. Ma-Gway Taungdwingyi, 84, her face smooth, serene look, nothing else is. Notice the silence that the scheme has the imposed. Can not say, like everyone says in Burma, where it all started here, in a monastery on the outskirts of Pakokku: a village far from the beaten track, famous for his strong and perfumed with tobacco which are custom made cigars cheerok, on the banks Ayeyarwady River, the heart of central Burma, now called Myanmar. E 'on August 16 last year. Four government officials are presented in the college of Pakhanngeh Kyaung, the largest of any country, 100 years of history, an immense structure that stands on 322 pillars inlaid wood. Ma-Gway ask: did not come, as many do, to ask for advice and bidding. They have another in mind, the master has come under fire the military junta. Talks too much and speak evil of the government of the military, how deep the gap that separates them from the real country. Warn him without much hesitation: "This must be a place of study and prayer, not politics."
threaten him so sharply: "Stop or I'll rouse your students make disappear." The Monaco is very patient. Use all his charisma and his influence. Remember that an increase of five times the price of petrol and many other basic necessities is starving the people. The monks know it well: they live in close contact with people. The collection that make every morning at dawn, according to a ritual of centuries, barefoot, wrapped in their colorful robes, going from house to house, has been lost. A Pakokku, shown in front of the bowl to collect bids, families bring his hand to his mouth: no food, no money. The teacher calls on officials to leave the monastery. But the four emissaries insist, the order is to arrest him, take him away. Fly big words: the debate is lively, violent, says those who were present. Monaco a challenge, a spiritual teacher, Burma is a serious offense, a provocation. Dozens of novices, children who live in the monastery the time to study the sacred texts of Buddhism and to learn English, have been following the altercation. I am outraged. Involved, as are always present. Even in the 1988 protests were the younger monks, together with the students, to light the fuse of rebellion. A brawl breaks out. The four officials left the monastery to fatigue. But outside their cars are in flames. Ma-Gway Taungdwingyi not go into details and we can avoid questions that can not be made . Will George, our guide to Nyaung U that has accompanied us on the spot, to tell us what happened. In return, as we cross the Ayeyarwady on board a boat, covered by the deafening noise of the engine propeller elongated, explains: "Now I can talk. Before I did not trust anyone. Pakokku is full of spies. The authorities have infiltrated among the monks. La rivolta dell'agosto e settembre scorsi è nata qui dentro. Dopo l'incendio delle auto dei quattro funzionari del governo, sono arrivati la polizia e l'esercito. Ma è accorsa anche la gente del villaggio. La voce si è sparsa in tutta la regione. Migliaia di persone sono giunte dai paesi vicini: ne arrivavano ad ondate, con ogni mezzo, dall'interno e poi con le barche, dall'altra sponda del fiume. Ci sono stati gli scontri, molti feriti, tantissimi morti. La gente è rimasta, ha resistito. La protesta si è allargata a Bagan, a Mandalay, a Yangon. Ventotto giorni di cortei e manifestazioni. Fino a quando sono intervenuti i reparti speciali, con i fucili, le mitragliatrici, lo stato d'assedio, il coprifuoco". Il monastero resterà isolated and surrounded by barbed wire up to Christmas. Today, the college was reopened Pakhanngeh Kyaung but it looks abandoned, few will attend and there is no money to restore the wounds inflicted during the riot. About 836 monks there are only 174 . The few that face, shy and worried, avoid all contact. There is still much suspicion: the monks are seen by the regime as a danger. Throughout Burma, there were 400 000. In ten years the junta, with its "campaign of" purification, reduced them by 20 percent. The monastery is empty. Many have fled. Maybe back home, maybe gone, dead, swallowed up in prison. Nobody knows anything about them. Only the principle Buddhist for whom life is a continuous repetition may explain the contradictions of this country happy and sad together, defiant and resigned. Its charm is all there. Burma seems to float on an indefinitely moored to its glorious past, forced to live a dramatic present, projected onto a future that does not belong yet. of the military junta was surprised by the revolt of Pakokku. He did not expect that in this monastery, situated in the heart of ethnic Bamar, triggering yet another challenge. The dangers historically come from the areas bordering China, Thailand, Laos and India, where minorities are perched more hostile to the dream of a great Burma. Occupied by its business, the scheme had not realized that the whole country was boiling like a volcano ready to explode. Yet just walk in the center of Mandalay, 80 km further north, to understand that the "spring" Burma has never ended. The bloodshed in September on the broad avenue that runs along the majestic fortress built Mindomo of King Min, Konbaung penultimate ruler of the dynasty, has shaken from its torpor this town on the privilege of being the cradle of religion and the last capital of the kingdom before the British rule . Surrounded by darkness after sunset, punctuated by the headlights of scooters and bikes are like swarms invade the streets, blinded by dozens of white-domed pagodas and golden plumes, Mandalay comes to terms with yet another fire. The current reaches a hiccup. The government focuses on the military structures. When he returns, energy is a discharge burning plants reduced to a pile of wires. The short circuit is inevitable. The petrol bought on the black market and kept in the house does the rest. Last year, in this way, only in Mandalay, a million people have gone to fire 40 000 dwellings. Tsa-Tsa, the boy of our risk, we head towards the area where you now stand up red and yellow flames. He needs to work and courage. He claims to not eat for three days. You can believe it. In 2007, according to a Western diplomatic source, there were only two hundred thousand tourists, compared agli 800 mila dell'anno precedente. Si fanno sentire gli inviti (timidi) al boicottaggio rivolti alle Nazioni unite e all'Unione europea contro la giunta militare da 46 anni al potere. Prevalgono gli scrupoli morali. L'appello a disertare la Birmania di Aung San Suu Kyi, premio Nobel per la pace nel 1991, leader dell'Nld (National leage for democracy), vincitrice assoluta delle passate elezioni, da 6 anni di nuovo agli arresti domiciliari, sembra avere effetto . Per due settimane abbiamo girato il paese in lungo e in largo incontrando pochissimi turisti. Chiediamo alla nostra guida cosa sta accadendo; vediamo, in lontananza, le luci della polizia. "Problem, problem", si affanna allarmato. "Police, army, protest". Ma poi, subito dopo, giù a ridere, come fanno sempre i birmani per stemperare anche la più piccola tensione. "Questo viale", racconta, "ad agosto era pieno di gente. Migliaia e migliaia di persone. Prima sono scesi in piazza i monaci, poi la gente si è fatta coraggio e li ha seguiti". Chiediamo quanti feriti e quanti morti ci sono stati. Lo domandiamo spesso in giro. Le risposte sono sempre diverse e vaghe. Dopo tante pressioni, il governo dello Spdc (State peace and development council), ex Slorc, il partito unico, artefice di questa "via birmana al socialismo", ha ammesso dieci vittime, 2700 arresti, tra cui 573 monaci, 1600 dei quali già stati rilasciati. Il "Tate naing" della "Assistance association of political prisoniers" parla invece di 4000 morti e 700 arresti . La verità, inaccessibile, resta isolata al centro della Birmania, a Nyapyidaw, dove il regime, con una scelta paranoica e ossessiva appoggiata dall'indovino di corte, ha deciso di trasferire la nuova capitale. Una città-caserma artificiale, nata dal nulla, senza negozi, ristoranti, case, sale da tè, ospedali e scuole. Ci vivono il vertice della giunta militare, i generali, gli ufficiali, la truppa, i dirigenti del Spdc. Una comunità priva di vita, rumori, colori, emozioni. I birmani ci ridono sopra e la spiegano con una barzelletta: "Hanno paura di tutto, persino del loro popolo". Tsa-Tsa ricorda molto bene i cadaveri abbandonati sull'asfalto or along the sidewalk when the army was ordered to shoot. E 'convinced: "They were burned or dumped in a mass grave." He says that the demonstrations lasted for four weeks. "There were two daily appointments: in the morning at 9 and then at 4 pm. You ate and slept little. We drank coca-cola, sugar gave us strength and kept us awake. The authorities have reacted immediately. have been watching for a week. Firing on religious put them in crisis. " In addition to being a Buddhist, the military junta is known to be superstitious in choosing the most important challenges experts and interpreters of the astral fire can drive away evil spirits. But something broke at the top. Spoken of a clash between the chief, Lt. Gen. Than Shwe, 74, and his deputy, Gen. Maung Aye, 69. The first was in favor of an intervention, the second calls for caution. The reality of the square felt that the hard line. "When I joined the students," said the boy in the rickshaw, "the professors, businessmen, engineers, pharmacists, when all shops were closed, when the parents refused to send their children to school, then engage the repression. " Indicates the loopholes of the wall that runs along the side: "They were shooting from there. The crowd marched and shot them." What happened, he has seen and heard around the world. With photos taken with cell phones and e-mail sent abroad by the most courageous. They are the same that we see rushing toward the fire. The girls in short skirts but with his face protected by the "tannaka" the cream of sandalwood, to keep the skin white. The boys with baggy jeans and slid, colored hair, tattoos, earrings, mixed with those who wear "longyi, the traditional sarong, and slippers. Past and future. All together. They raise two fingers in victory, horn and trumpet trilling bells of their bikes. The school is over. Two powerful speakers firing heavy metal music from a truck. Tonight we dance. The new fire will be off. Burma, the real one, no longer wants wait.
threaten him so sharply: "Stop or I'll rouse your students make disappear." The Monaco is very patient. Use all his charisma and his influence. Remember that an increase of five times the price of petrol and many other basic necessities is starving the people. The monks know it well: they live in close contact with people. The collection that make every morning at dawn, according to a ritual of centuries, barefoot, wrapped in their colorful robes, going from house to house, has been lost. A Pakokku, shown in front of the bowl to collect bids, families bring his hand to his mouth: no food, no money. The teacher calls on officials to leave the monastery. But the four emissaries insist, the order is to arrest him, take him away. Fly big words: the debate is lively, violent, says those who were present. Monaco a challenge, a spiritual teacher, Burma is a serious offense, a provocation. Dozens of novices, children who live in the monastery the time to study the sacred texts of Buddhism and to learn English, have been following the altercation. I am outraged. Involved, as are always present. Even in the 1988 protests were the younger monks, together with the students, to light the fuse of rebellion. A brawl breaks out. The four officials left the monastery to fatigue. But outside their cars are in flames. Ma-Gway Taungdwingyi not go into details and we can avoid questions that can not be made . Will George, our guide to Nyaung U that has accompanied us on the spot, to tell us what happened. In return, as we cross the Ayeyarwady on board a boat, covered by the deafening noise of the engine propeller elongated, explains: "Now I can talk. Before I did not trust anyone. Pakokku is full of spies. The authorities have infiltrated among the monks. La rivolta dell'agosto e settembre scorsi è nata qui dentro. Dopo l'incendio delle auto dei quattro funzionari del governo, sono arrivati la polizia e l'esercito. Ma è accorsa anche la gente del villaggio. La voce si è sparsa in tutta la regione. Migliaia di persone sono giunte dai paesi vicini: ne arrivavano ad ondate, con ogni mezzo, dall'interno e poi con le barche, dall'altra sponda del fiume. Ci sono stati gli scontri, molti feriti, tantissimi morti. La gente è rimasta, ha resistito. La protesta si è allargata a Bagan, a Mandalay, a Yangon. Ventotto giorni di cortei e manifestazioni. Fino a quando sono intervenuti i reparti speciali, con i fucili, le mitragliatrici, lo stato d'assedio, il coprifuoco". Il monastero resterà isolated and surrounded by barbed wire up to Christmas. Today, the college was reopened Pakhanngeh Kyaung but it looks abandoned, few will attend and there is no money to restore the wounds inflicted during the riot. About 836 monks there are only 174 . The few that face, shy and worried, avoid all contact. There is still much suspicion: the monks are seen by the regime as a danger. Throughout Burma, there were 400 000. In ten years the junta, with its "campaign of" purification, reduced them by 20 percent. The monastery is empty. Many have fled. Maybe back home, maybe gone, dead, swallowed up in prison. Nobody knows anything about them. Only the principle Buddhist for whom life is a continuous repetition may explain the contradictions of this country happy and sad together, defiant and resigned. Its charm is all there. Burma seems to float on an indefinitely moored to its glorious past, forced to live a dramatic present, projected onto a future that does not belong yet. of the military junta was surprised by the revolt of Pakokku. He did not expect that in this monastery, situated in the heart of ethnic Bamar, triggering yet another challenge. The dangers historically come from the areas bordering China, Thailand, Laos and India, where minorities are perched more hostile to the dream of a great Burma. Occupied by its business, the scheme had not realized that the whole country was boiling like a volcano ready to explode. Yet just walk in the center of Mandalay, 80 km further north, to understand that the "spring" Burma has never ended. The bloodshed in September on the broad avenue that runs along the majestic fortress built Mindomo of King Min, Konbaung penultimate ruler of the dynasty, has shaken from its torpor this town on the privilege of being the cradle of religion and the last capital of the kingdom before the British rule . Surrounded by darkness after sunset, punctuated by the headlights of scooters and bikes are like swarms invade the streets, blinded by dozens of white-domed pagodas and golden plumes, Mandalay comes to terms with yet another fire. The current reaches a hiccup. The government focuses on the military structures. When he returns, energy is a discharge burning plants reduced to a pile of wires. The short circuit is inevitable. The petrol bought on the black market and kept in the house does the rest. Last year, in this way, only in Mandalay, a million people have gone to fire 40 000 dwellings. Tsa-Tsa, the boy of our risk, we head towards the area where you now stand up red and yellow flames. He needs to work and courage. He claims to not eat for three days. You can believe it. In 2007, according to a Western diplomatic source, there were only two hundred thousand tourists, compared agli 800 mila dell'anno precedente. Si fanno sentire gli inviti (timidi) al boicottaggio rivolti alle Nazioni unite e all'Unione europea contro la giunta militare da 46 anni al potere. Prevalgono gli scrupoli morali. L'appello a disertare la Birmania di Aung San Suu Kyi, premio Nobel per la pace nel 1991, leader dell'Nld (National leage for democracy), vincitrice assoluta delle passate elezioni, da 6 anni di nuovo agli arresti domiciliari, sembra avere effetto . Per due settimane abbiamo girato il paese in lungo e in largo incontrando pochissimi turisti. Chiediamo alla nostra guida cosa sta accadendo; vediamo, in lontananza, le luci della polizia. "Problem, problem", si affanna allarmato. "Police, army, protest". Ma poi, subito dopo, giù a ridere, come fanno sempre i birmani per stemperare anche la più piccola tensione. "Questo viale", racconta, "ad agosto era pieno di gente. Migliaia e migliaia di persone. Prima sono scesi in piazza i monaci, poi la gente si è fatta coraggio e li ha seguiti". Chiediamo quanti feriti e quanti morti ci sono stati. Lo domandiamo spesso in giro. Le risposte sono sempre diverse e vaghe. Dopo tante pressioni, il governo dello Spdc (State peace and development council), ex Slorc, il partito unico, artefice di questa "via birmana al socialismo", ha ammesso dieci vittime, 2700 arresti, tra cui 573 monaci, 1600 dei quali già stati rilasciati. Il "Tate naing" della "Assistance association of political prisoniers" parla invece di 4000 morti e 700 arresti . La verità, inaccessibile, resta isolata al centro della Birmania, a Nyapyidaw, dove il regime, con una scelta paranoica e ossessiva appoggiata dall'indovino di corte, ha deciso di trasferire la nuova capitale. Una città-caserma artificiale, nata dal nulla, senza negozi, ristoranti, case, sale da tè, ospedali e scuole. Ci vivono il vertice della giunta militare, i generali, gli ufficiali, la truppa, i dirigenti del Spdc. Una comunità priva di vita, rumori, colori, emozioni. I birmani ci ridono sopra e la spiegano con una barzelletta: "Hanno paura di tutto, persino del loro popolo". Tsa-Tsa ricorda molto bene i cadaveri abbandonati sull'asfalto or along the sidewalk when the army was ordered to shoot. E 'convinced: "They were burned or dumped in a mass grave." He says that the demonstrations lasted for four weeks. "There were two daily appointments: in the morning at 9 and then at 4 pm. You ate and slept little. We drank coca-cola, sugar gave us strength and kept us awake. The authorities have reacted immediately. have been watching for a week. Firing on religious put them in crisis. " In addition to being a Buddhist, the military junta is known to be superstitious in choosing the most important challenges experts and interpreters of the astral fire can drive away evil spirits. But something broke at the top. Spoken of a clash between the chief, Lt. Gen. Than Shwe, 74, and his deputy, Gen. Maung Aye, 69. The first was in favor of an intervention, the second calls for caution. The reality of the square felt that the hard line. "When I joined the students," said the boy in the rickshaw, "the professors, businessmen, engineers, pharmacists, when all shops were closed, when the parents refused to send their children to school, then engage the repression. " Indicates the loopholes of the wall that runs along the side: "They were shooting from there. The crowd marched and shot them." What happened, he has seen and heard around the world. With photos taken with cell phones and e-mail sent abroad by the most courageous. They are the same that we see rushing toward the fire. The girls in short skirts but with his face protected by the "tannaka" the cream of sandalwood, to keep the skin white. The boys with baggy jeans and slid, colored hair, tattoos, earrings, mixed with those who wear "longyi, the traditional sarong, and slippers. Past and future. All together. They raise two fingers in victory, horn and trumpet trilling bells of their bikes. The school is over. Two powerful speakers firing heavy metal music from a truck. Tonight we dance. The new fire will be off. Burma, the real one, no longer wants wait.
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