The other day I was waiting my turn in the waiting room of a trauma clinic in Buenos Aires - tendinitis in the shoulder, cortisone injections, not silicone! - when my attention was suddenly drawn to a breaking news launched by the television always on helping patients to deceive the long and tedious wait.
A cruise ship ran aground on a bench ice in the Antarctic Peninsula, and were taken to know the operations ccorso to evacuate about a hundred passengers on board, and to try to stem environmental damage caused by a major oil leak.
The "Ciudad de Usuhaia" , Panamanian flag, is one of dozens of cruise ships was that, with the advent of summer the Southern annually organized "Adventure travel" Usuhaia from the Antarctic Peninsula. Ran aground on December 5 at 14:00 UTC.
These Luxury Yachts are a fashion that is increasing every year, it is estimated that over the last fifteen, the number of cruise ships going to Antarctica has quintupled! There are, of course, very concerned about the environmental damage that is causing this latest engrave - last year, during the same period, another one of these ships ran aground on a rocky bank, and eventually sank on the spot, causing a serious pollution (thankfully with no victim) - and even slightly sorry for the inconvenience suffered by passengers, and especially the crew. But I can not do negative considerations on this expensive fashion, and to think that a little real "adventure" does not hurt to incauti turisti aantartici.
Pochi giorni prima di questo incidete ho avuto modo di ascoltare Isabelle Autissier e Érik Orsenna, che presentavano il loro prossimo viaggio in Antartide, a bordo di “Ada 2” , uno sloop di 15 metri , in alluminio, vecchio di trenta anni (disegno di Joubert), viaggio organizzato nell'ambito del progetto : “ Pouqua pas l'Antartique? ”. Isabelle ed Erik, spiegarono all'affol
lata platea di appassionati velisti Argentini, that rec Havana in Antarctica because it is one of the last unspoiled regions of the globe, and you must give the signals for its protection, a trip with half ecological well-equipped as a ship may be conducted by a both experienced sailors, can not be, in effect, that a strong signal. The problem is how many will be able to receive this signal, and those who do not are increasingly attracted to the luxury of cruising, which cost several thousand dollars, offer a sense of adventure, well-controlled apartments from the "SPA" board , from fine dining, and security organization, apparently the bomb-proof. When after a few days in the ice, you see them land on the pier Usuhaia, s'atteggiano everyone novel "Schakleton" But of course, covered by clothing griffatissimi super-technical generation!
In fact, the security organization, often has serious flaws - real and metaphorical - and the pleasure trip can be completely different than expectations. The signal is launched, but perhaps understood by few, is not the most edifying: luxury. waste and pollution. Isabelle II project, which I endorse wholeheartedly, I think, at this point almost pathetic and inane.
Forse neppure questo angolo del pianeta riuscirà ormai a salvarsi!
Non ho mai seriamente pensato di recarmi navigando fino in Antartide, è un clima ed un livello di rischio e sofferenza che non è più nelle mie “corde”, ma inizio a pensare che forse, anche noi viaggiatori del mare, dovremmo rinunciare a questi progetti superbi e pieni di pathos, lasciamo tranquillo questo grande continente di ghiaccio, lasciamolo a piccoli e selezionati gruppi di ricercatori e di scienziati, e speriamo che non ci svelino presto tutti i suoi misteri, in modo che ci possa rimanere ancora qualcosa su cui sognare.
From aboard the " Jonathan" - River Plate - 7/12/2008
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