Thursday, December 23, 2010

Can I Drink Tea When Fasting For Blood Tests


Monday, December 6, 2010

Shower Curtain Harley


Il Futurismo è vecchio parlava di un futuro che è il presente
Quindi sono per l'introduzione del nuovo concetto del Presentismo , già Futurismo passatista (e peraltro pertinente al clima dei presenti natalizi).
Secondo la teoria presentista I do not celebrate a cabbage
not the future and bombastic fake they all have in mind that this is as I have said and to celebrate the future should I set up a neo-futurist? Please tell us
But neither the past that has gone well in grammatical analysis
I celebrate this and this and this time in a series of ding that are born and they die and tell you that I LOVE YOU


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bridesmaid Dresses In Deep Red

Curacao, Northern Europe in the Tropics?

The island of Curacao, Netherlands Antilles in the former, is assuming a growing importance as a stopover for boats travelers of the sea route to the West.
The insecurity of the nearby marina on the coast Venezuela, which would be cheaper, and good water availability of material and technical staff, are driving the current fortune of Curacao as a staging and "stoarage.
The island is very far from what is imaginary Caribbean community: the palms of cocotier nothing, no lush rainforest, but a semi-arid steppe dotted with cactus, a landscape more plateau of Central America. However in the short rainy season, from December to January, it rains a lot, indeed it pours!

Gli Spagnoli snobbarono queste isole (Bonnaire,  Curacao ed Arruba),  perchè prive di giacimenti di metalli preziosi, si limitarono a sterminare la popolazione india! Gli avveduti Olandesi si resero, invece conto molto bene dell'importanza strategica e commerciale (commercio di schiavi negri, naturalmente!) di Curacao che è dotata di due eccelelnti porti naturali, English Water e Willemstad, dove sorge la capitale, una specie di Amserdammer caraibica.
Curacao è indipendente dall 11 Ottobre 2010, pur rimanendo sempre formalmente legata all'Olanda.
L'economia principale è basata sul raffinamento del petrolio venezuelano, travel a little Dutch, and now services for boating.
The Dutch origin should think that at the Marina di Curacao, everything works as in Holland, but it is only an impression, even to the able Dutch were infected here dall'indolente Caribbean spirit, "Magnani" (in Curacao is Dutch poarla , English and a mix of the two local dialect) is the word most used, while for these costs are absolutely Northern Europe!
In Marina di Curacao remain for several boats to sea travelers, all part of class naturalmenete medium-high, while those with low budget can not afford this call, we with our "Jonathan", we are one of the boats, more "losers" of the yard!
Most travelers headed to the sea are the classic route on drill and Panama San Blas,
We, however, faithful to "The route to Zig-Zag", we changed the program and making a choice will go a little against trend Cuba

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Authorization Letter To Cell Phone

Le coq sportif

Actually no, I regret to write crap, do not close shop.
Tale tonight that there was a dinner in the village closed that the City has placed within public gardens (And we are in the country. But what you want! We are citizens).
Well, aaahh. The atmosphere of free-range: it does not say anything and yet you're completely yourself
I so enjoyed the harvest in Portugal, to think that I did not want to go and that there was
Well ... boar ... polenta ... wine ... sweet ... Vecchini

Then hath been played to the Merchant at the fair and even there I have certainly done put your feet in my head, I like to win easy Bonci Bonci bo bo bon, after having spent 25 € and 50 poles in I won a sausage.
But on the second lap as the first prize was a capon.

A capon VIVO

Capon live
And I did not expect
They out of the box as rabbit of the hat: but in fact he was white.
has not twitter, it has maintained a dignified attitude while doing fizz the straw from the wings. I have loved you. Thank goodness I have not won, it would put me in the room, making style a bit 'before the war. Would live here but then I is not ever wonder who would give him something to eat. He would die of starvation.

Diffusion And Osmosis Ap Lab

Ding ding - rebajas

The appeals seem to have had the desired effect

Qui se va avanti così tocca chiudere bottega e distribuire i volantini della liquidazione totale.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Coming New Baby Wishes


"[…] e pubblica qualcosa sul blog sennò muore." *
* da una mail.

Lentamente muore un blog se non si pubblica niente.
Lentamente muore chi non si rivede.
Lentamente si rivede chi non muore.

Un Ding nel Silenzio, sono io che ti parlo:

Ancora non sono spenti i tuoi ardori grammaticali, i tuoi voli pindarici verso il manto di cane! Puoi tuttora parodiare incontri pomeridiani con gli amici dei genitori, e far provare invidia al mondo di chi ne sta fuori.
Pensare o PenZare ci devo pensZare, tutta Italia ha dubbi, il contatore ci fa schizzare!
Se ne andassero a cagare sta massa di allocchi, che noi moribondi saremo pure, ma moribondi coi fiocchi! Ché se si vuole citare si cita, e se si vuole Citare si Cita. 
Io a volte anche Tarzan.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Berger Paints Olive Oil

Italian Grammar

Un discorso sulle forme verbali nell'Italia moderna che coinvolga sia la società in cui ci rappresentiamo sia due regoline grammaticali active use of the present participle and passive participle of the past. Active because it gives, because the person / take it.

"A model laddered ante today will be a model laddered ata tomorrow

Photos from www .

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Herbivore In Antarctica

MAUS - solo in Antarctic waters of the South Georgia

"Every journey begins with a dream. The dream became a reality in the story in this book, I really wanted to see so many years ago, thanks to the great navigators of past centuries, the men who hunted whales, travel facts in the sixties - with all those who made impresestraordinarie and by means not always rise to the occasion. "

This Manfred Marktel writes in the preface to his book
Released for the types of" the wave ", and presented at the recent Salone di Genova.
Manfred absolutely right when he says," Every journey begins with a dream. "
But Manfred is not just a dreamer, but also a very practical man and has demonstrated both in his brilliant career, and in that of adventurous surfer.
Manfred's book will be seen as a firm difficlie so, if carefully prepared, with careful planning of the route, a detailed preparation of Maus, his brave boat, will be successfully completed, including a person who could be described as a non-reductive "normal" and not a "super-hero."
His story rushes, including sail trim, simple daily needs of the solitary sailor, sharp descriptions of the distant and inhospitable places visited, waves and storms take your breath away and leave the reader anxious apprehension.
I met Manfred-cross the main HF radio - just as he was busy fighting with the worst storms he deciphers in his book, and devoted to the chapter of my book:
"We see a real sailor" ;:
After several years of attendance friendly, and knew better, I keep thinking of choosing, for that chapter, the title is more just.

Louis Ottogalli

How Far In Advance Can I Prepare Pancake Batter?

In the form of ADD

bother me a lot of things, and it bothers me especially to minimize relations with others. One can not pull away, no matter what it might be like it or not: the courtesy not a good thing. Rather it is forgotten and imprecision to rising tensions universe.

The form exists with or without substance if it is empty enough for him, if the substance is the form used to recall the amount.
The form is not useless, sometimes it is so misleading because it suggests an essentially non-existent, but sums up what it contains, if it contains something.
The lack of much worse shape instead suggests the alleged nothing in it: this is the objective fact that can be seen.

The form has form in itself, but the substance needs to exist a form. Do not forget that.

It is important to them 'happy.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Wella Products Singapore



Saturday, October 2, 2010

Falklands Trench Foot

But the Caribbean is a paradise? Presentation of Route

the Caribbean islands, and in particular the Lesser Antilles - the Caribbean because the term identifies a large area with very different axes and often conflicting - are the dream of many sailors in our own yearning to these places as a "tropical paradise", constantly caressed by a gentle trade wind, which cools islands fringed by white beaches and softly sing the "Cocotiers" that the shade.
Carriacou, Tirrely Bay, one of the few still natural

exotic A whole literature has accustomed us to imagine these places as places in which life can flow easy, quiet and cheap, plentiful fishing trips, the limit of simple barter trade, the discovery of little known corners, and still unspoilt nature, idyllic relations with the young mulatto who will propose to its board as a lobster fraction of the cost or why not, some easy beauty adventure with breathtaking color chocolate.
All this, if it ever existed, is part of a distant past and survived just that, in the hopes and dreams.
Of undoubted natural beauty of these places if they have been noticed in many, and not only for sailing enthusiasts, but also and above all wise "Operetor Tour," and the shipping company of the large cruise ships carrying disenchanted thousands of tourists in the "tropical paradise".
European sailor's lucky that he will fulfill his dream, making the Atlantic crossing in the direction of the Lesser Antilles, with the boat or on one of many that "chartered" the year this passage: soon discover that the Aliseo, named so evocative and gentle, is actually a very subtle and capricious wind: at first persistently deny playing hide and seek with the sailor who will go and find at times more south and others much further west than the literature had taught him.
arrived in the vicinity of the much-desired goal, we will taste it soon moods blacks that will occur with "grain" (rump), accompanied by furious winds and rain showers from diluvianti, they first will be graciously accepted but in the long run ....
After the magical land to the "promised land", we believe this is the beautiful island of Martinique, bordeggerà along the coast distinguishing green with increasing precision the boundaries and savoring his nostrils filled with the warm and exotic scents emanating from the damp earth and the lush vegetation.
Our sailor who has deftly avoided the many ill-marked pots, lobster fishermen, and then make his triumphant entry into the "Grand cul de sac du Marin" (loosely translated into the large enclosed bay of the Mariner ), here you will be faced with an immense body of water protected from all sides, but hardly see the water between one or the other of the many boats at anchor.
Almost impossible then think of finding a convenient place on the dock in one of two Marine present, to take a deserved rest from the fatigue of the just completed. The seats will be occupied almost all the boats of different companies "charter" or from those of the more fortunate or provident will be reserved for that time, even if he found a hole that fit the stern of his boat quickly discovered that ask € the same, so many, he was used in the sea at home.
It will not be the case with so little to lose heart, we will continue then her cruise south to reach the pearls of the Lesser Antilles, much courted the Grenadines, where he is deeply convinced, will find the conditions that finally he had always dreamed of.
if you're lucky, that will be so generous if the trade winds to blow from the northeast, south veleggerà fun than ever to cross the channel at high speed. However, if the trade winds will blow from naughty and Southeast, will go upwind like crazy, even to fight the current that leads to the west, but this is all part of the game and will still be happy.
Descending along the islands probably will stop at Marigot Bay also because it will not just miss it, a beautiful red buoy that says the name of the bay in large white letters will indicate unequivocally the entry if he could never find it alone!
The entrance buoy "Marigot Bay" in St. Lucie
probably already in close to the mark will be reached by a fast canoe, carrying some nice folks who speak an approximate Italian will offer to take a beacon. We enjoyed talking and flattered by the curious from having been immediately recognized as appartenetene the famous people of "saints, poets and navigators " contratterà the mark for a price very high, because he did not see any other place where to stop so the input channel to the "Marigot" proper was crowded with boats of every type and size.
Securely moored to buoy then buy the nice mooring, various hats of woven palm leaves, necklaces of fake shark teeth and other amenities of this type, the mooring shoddy after having sold as many as possible in exchange for real money - the exact opposite of what was happening in the first Conquistadores that yielded glass beads for real gold nuggets - and received the price of the buoy, went away with great greetings, hold no receipt.
Sin which later will come a speedboat with "Ranger" in impeccable uniform, behind a receipt will make him pay a second time the mark!
And so forth, from pearl to pearl, to be overcrowded bay bay completely full, with boa boa in more and more expensive, high taxes from customs to customs heavy tax, up to the peak the "tropical paradise" decantatissimi the "Tobago Kays.
the "Tobago Keys"
arrived here after a heart attack between the input from coral reefs, will be in a large and lovely atoll, and seeing that you can choose from the many buoys or give his yet, but strictly on the side of one of the many boats, because space is limited and you have to adapt, of course tired of paying for the moorings will be resolved yet, but will not yet already completed the maneuver by his side will be the boat of the Guardia Park, the usual step of dollars and official receipt.
Once the Tobago could be what you wanted, but there was no possibility of supplies, if not buy some lobsters from local fishermen, now our will that it will remain there for more than three days, compensation may have all supplies they want, including the daily newspaper and croissants every morning, of course, paying a large sum to the "boat boy" who are constantly back and forth, fast on their canoes, not far from Tobago to the "Union Iland.
The reality unfortunately is that the Lesser Antilles has become a destination for cruise too easy and too much exploited, is in fact very easy to rent a boat on site and run around the islands just as you would from those of the more our Aegean . Many then after bringing the boat up to them (or made to bring essersela ...), will remain there for several years, leaving during the hurricane season in one of safe places that are located in the southernmost part of the archipelago.
The result is that all the islands are more crowded with cruise passengers, or often less experienced boaters are rare and it is also difficult idistinguerli, all mingle in the mass and individuality is lost, the meetings are one of the most beautiful things of the sea voyage, quite rare, you can stay for days at the side of another boat by exchanging at most a casual nod.
The "Resort" and the luxury cruise of the great vessels have also strongly contributed to rising prices and created services more and more exclusive.
The Grenadines looks more and more like a big holiday resort where you need to move with your credit card ready.

Louis Ottogalli

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Churidar Pajama Cutting

- I would love to meet you later
- I would have liked to know before you wanted to meet me later

And I do not cry anymore
I find the strength to laugh
I naive pure
A spirit of sacrifice
A solitary life

words, sometimes
I suck.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Can I Transfer My Irish Pension To Australia


Saturday, September 25, Silvia and I were guests in the beautiful home of 'Sailing Association Trentino, Lake Caldonazzo to present my book "Route to the Zig-Zag, meetings with the sailors of the oceans." published by the Juncture.
The evening was wonderful, the President del'Associazione Sailing Trentino, Roberto De Bernardi, opened the meeting with a presentation of the book very well done by highlighting the original spirit.
The introduction has been completed by a speech of his Parinelli Marco, who was the promoter, and has been good enough to Silvia and dashed its hub (a definition which is reluctantly I adapt ....) so flattering.
warmly welcome members and friends spoke of the many who have followed with attention and indulgence on the screening of a video Travel and talk a little confused, perhaps because of the excitement - we're not very rough sailors accustomed to public speaking! - With whom I have introduced a screening of the video.
The many relevant questions that followed the screening, have allowed us to develop fairly thoroughly many of the issues and questions on a long sea voyage made by persons who are perfectly normal and nothing "heroic" as we Silvia and me.
still would like to thank the President and all Members del'Associazione Sailing Trentino, for giving us the opportunity to communicate in an environment so nice and welcoming, our simple travel experiences!

I take this opportunity to announce that I will be this Friday, October 8 at the Genoa, in the MARINA 2 stand A29, where the wave editor organized a meeting between the authors and readers.
A warm welcome by Silvia and Luigi

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Price Chopper Uniforms

Saturday, September 25 at 18, in the Trentino Sailing Association, Lake Caldonazzo, there will be a icontro in which present my book:
Edition the wave.
relaizzare For the occasion, I have a video that describes the stages of the journey, but as a journey in the book is told through the encounters on video can not fully express the spirit.
The video, in defining small and divided into three parts, is still visible on You Tube .

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pirate Ship Swing Set


People Film

X X-Files - The Movie (1998)
X-Files - I Want to Believe (2008)
X -Men (2000)
X-Men 2 (2003)
X-Men 3 The Last Stand - Part 2 (2006)
X-Men Origins - Wolverine - Part 2 - Movshare : 1, Time - 2nd half (2009)
XMA: Xtreme Martial Arts (2003)
xXx (2002)
xXx 2 - The Next Level (2005)
xxxHOLiC - The Movie (2005)
XXY - Men, women or both? (2007)

Car License Plate Ontario Template


me your hand
Something to Talk About (1995)
Something Special - Part 2 ( 2010)
Something 'changed
Someone Like You (2001)
Someone to Run - Part 2
Untamed Heart (1993)
Someone dying (1991)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Link alternative
What love (2005)
Any - Part 2 - Videoweed - Duckload - Novamov (2011) - Trailer
When Silvio was
when night falls [sub Eng-Ita]
When men armed with a club ... and the women did din-don (1971)
When Worlds Collide (1951)
When Walk the Line (2005)
When the wife is on vacation (1955)
when women named Madonna
When you least expect it
When You're Born You Can No Longer Hide (2005)
When the Wind Blows
She Found Me How
be difficult teenager - Link alternative
Quarantine - Supernovatube - in Divx: Movshare - YouLoad
Almost Famous - Almost Famous (2000)
Four Ugly Dachshund
A Dinosaur in New York
Four Heart and Souls
Four Weddings and a Funeral
Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines (1965)
Queimada (1969)
What remains of my husband That's genius
Bickford (2006) Monster-In-Law

That nano infalme - Veoh
genius that was Bickford (2006)
That Great Piece Dell'Ubalda no clothes, all hot
Monster mother-in-law (2005)
Little Man (2006)
Freaky Venerdì
Quel pomeriggio di un giorno da cani
Quel ragazzo della curva B
Quel treno per Yuma - Delmer Daves (1957) - Link alternativo
Quell’oscuro oggetto del desiderio - Parte 2 (1977)
Quell’ultimo ponte (1977)
Quella sera dorata - Parte 2 - Divx: Movshare Parte 2 (2010) - Trailer
Quella sporca dozzina
Quella villa accanto al cimitero
Quelle due
Quelle strane occasioni (1976)
Men Who Tread on the Tiger's Tail (1945)
What Women Want - What Women Want (2000)
What the girls do not say
Querelle vm 18
This house is not is a hotel
This is my life [Sub-ITA] (1962)
This night is still our - Link alternative
Matter of Heart - Part 2 - in Divx: [ YL (video) - Part 2] - [ Movshare - Part 2 ]
matter of point of view (2009)
This and That (1983)
It's a Mad Mad Mad World lyrics (1964)
big love - Part 2 - Movshare (2009)
Here Where the Heart Is (2000)
Quiet - Secrets revealed (2006)
Quills - The pen of the scandal (2000)
fifth power (1976)
Quo vadis, baby? (2005)

Can Plan B Make You Pee

movie movies


O 'O Professor - Part 2 (2007)
O' Cangaceiro (1970)
O come Otello
Obsessed - Parte 2 - [ NovaMov - Parte 2 ] - [ MovShare Parte 2 ] - [ ZShare - Parte 2 ]
Occhi Bianchi Sul Pianeta Terra
Occhi di cristallo [audio fuori sincro] (2004)
Occhi di serpente
Occhio a quei due (2009)
Occhio alla palla! (1953)
Occhio alla Penna

Occhio alla perestroika (1990)
eye, evil eye, parsley and fennel
Ocean's 13 - alternative (2007)
Ocean's Eleven
Ocean's Twelve

Ocean Waves

Oceans 3D
Ocean of Fire - Hidalgo
Octane (2003)
Odete [Sub-ITA] (2005)
Off Key (2001)
Off the black - forced Game (2006) Offspring
[Sub-ITA] (2009)
to me today ... tomorrow you
Today Wedding (2009)
Today ... No Sex Wedding [out of sync audio] (2003)
Everything Is Illuminated
Any Given Sunday - Part 2
Everyone is looking for her cat (1996)
Old Boy
Old School

Oliver & Company (animation , 1988)
Oliver Twist (2005)
Being There (1979)
addition to the rules - The Messenger (2010)
Chaser Cat Chaser

Shadows and Fog (1992)
Shadows From the Past - alternative link

Stagecoach [Sub-ITA] (1939)
Omen - The Omen (2006)
Omen - The Omen (1976)
Omen III - The Last Stand - Parte 2 (1981)
Omen IV – Presagio infernale (1991)
Omicidi di classe (1998)
Omicidio in diretta
Omohide Poro Poro

On Evil Grounds [Sub-ITA] (2007)
Once (2006)
Once Upon a Time in High School: Spirit of Jeet Kune Do - Parte 2 [Sub-ITA] (2004)
Once Were Warriors - Una volta erano guerrieri (1993)
Once Were Warriors 2 - What Becomes of the Broken Hearted? (1999)

Ondine - alternative sub-ITA - in Divx: Movshare (2010)
Ripples - the magic jar ... and other stories (animation, 2010)
One Eyed Monster [Sub-ITA] (2008)
One Hour Photo - alternative
One Night with the King (2006)
One shot one kill
Ong Bak - Born To Kill (2003)
Ong Bak 2 - The Rise of the Dragon - alternative - in Divx: Movshare (2006)
Ong Bak 3 [Sub-ITA] (2010)
Only yesterday [aka Drops of Memory]
Only You - Love at first sight (1994)
Honor your father and mother (2007)
Opal Dream - Zipd
Open House [Sub-ITA] (2010)
Open Water (2003)
Operation: Endgame [Sub-Ita] - Divx: Movshare (2010) - Trailer
Canadian Bacon (1994)
Operation Fear (1966)
Operation rosemary (2001)
Operation Petticoat - The submarine rose
Operation Spy Sitter - Part 2 (2010)
Valkyrie - in Divx: [ Movshare - Part 2] (2009)
OPOPOMOZ (animation, 2009) Now and forever
Now or never (2003)
Orange County
Orazi and Curiazi 3-2 (1977)
Orchidea Selvaggia (1990)
Ore 10: calma piatta (1988)
Ore 11:14 Destino fatale
Ore contate (1989)
Ore violente (1986)
Orgasmo – Paranoia (1969)
Orgoglio e pregiudizio - [ alternativo
- parte 2 - parte 3 ]
Origin – Spirits of the Past (animazione, 2006)
Original Sin
Orizzonti di Gloria

Orlando (1992)
Ormai non c’è più scampo (1980)
Orphan - parte 2 - in Divx: [ Movshare - 2 parte ] - [ Novamov - 2 parte ]
Ortone e il mondo dei Chi
Orwell 1984
Oscar - Un fidanzato per due figlie

Oscar insanguinato (1973)
Oscure presenze a Cold Creek - Parte 2 (2003)
Osmosis Jones (2001)
Osterman Weekend - Sam Peckinpah (1983)
Obsession (1943)
Osterman Weekend (1983)
Othello - Orson Welles
- [sub -Ita]
Eight friends to save
Eight Days to Live (2006)
Eight Crazy Nights
October: Ten Days That Shook the World ( 1927)
Out Cold
Out of Sight (1998)
Out of the blue: there's UFOs (2007) Out of Time

Outlander Outlander The Last Viking - in Divx: [ Movshare - Part 2 ]
Outpost - in Divx: YouLoad (video) - Movshare - NovaMov - Zshare [Sub-Ita] Over the Top

Oxford Murders Teorema of a crime- - Part 2

Table Plans For L Big Green Egg

Yamakasi - the new samurai
Yamakasi 2 - Sons of the Wind Yes Man - in Divx: YouLoad
Yatterman - Part 2 - [ Videoweed - Part 2] - [ Videobb - Part 2] - [sub-ita - Part 2] (2010)
Yes Man (2008) Yossi & Jagger

You stupid man
Young People Fucking - in Divx: YouLoad ( video) - Movshare - NovaMov - Zshare
Your Cat Is Dead [Eng sub ITA]
Yuppi Du
Yuppies - Young Success
Yuppies 2

Congratulation For Pregnancy


Z Z - The Orgy Of Power
Zabriskie Point

Zack and Miri Make a Porno [Eng Sub-Ita] - in Divx: Movshare - YouLoad (video)
Zampa and the magic of Christmas - Duckload - (2010) - Trailer
White Fang
Zathura - A Space Adventure - veoh
[Jap-sub Ita]
Zeitgeist - The Movie -
[sub Eng-Ita]
Zeitgeist: Addendum [sub Eng-Ita] - Documentary

Zelig Zero Effect

Uncle Scrooge in search of the Lost Lamp
Zohan: All women come home to roost - Alternative - Alternativo2

Zombi 2 - alternate
Zombie - Revenge of the Lambs

Zombie Dawn of the Death
Zombie Lake
Zombie Land [Eng sub ITA]
Zombie Zombie Nation
Strippe rs

Zoolander - Veoh

Zora la Vampira

Departure Times Pier Head To Liverpool


Jack and Jill vs. the World (2008)
Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer - YouLoad(video) - MovShare [sub-Ita]
Jack e Jill - in Divx: MovShare - NovaMov - ZShare
Jack Frusciante è uscito dal gruppo

Jack Hunter e la stella del paradiso - YouLoad(video) - MovShare - Share
Jackass - The Movie
Jackass 2
Jackass 2.5
Jackass 3 [sub-Ita]
Jackass 3D - Duckload - Novamov - Videoweed (2010) - Trailer
Jackie Brown

Jacknife (1989)
Jacob's Ladder

Jakob the Liar (1999)
James and the Giant Peach
Jane Eyre
Jarhead - parte2 - alternative link

Jason X Jay and Silent Bob - Stop Hollywood!

JCVD \u200b\u200b- No Justice - in Divx: YouLoad - Movshare - NovaMov - Zshare
Je t'aime moi non plus (1976)
Jeepers Creepers
Jeepers Creepers 2

Jefferson in Paris (1995)
Jennifer's Body - in Divx: Movshare - YouLoad (video)
Maguire Jersey Girl Jesus

Jesus Christ Superstar
Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter - Movshare [Sub-Ita]
JFK - A case still open
Jimmy Grimble - alternative link
Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius (2001) Jin-Roh

Joan Lui - but one day I arrive in the country on Monday (1985)
Joe Versus the Volcano
John Rambo - Alternate link
John Q
Johnny Johnny Handsome Johnny Mnemonic

Johnny Toothpick

Jolly Blu - the film of 883 (1998)
Jonah Who Lived in whales
Jonah Hex - Parte 2 - [ Duckload - Part2] - [ Novamov - Part2 ] (2010) - Trailer
Joshua - Parte 2 - [ alternativo ] - [ movshare - Parte 2 ]
You On - Old Lady in White vm 18 [Jap-Eng sub]
You On - Rancore vm 18
You On - Shiroi roujo (The Grudge - Old Lady In White) vm 18 [Jap Sub-Ita]
You On - The Grudge vm 18
You On - The Grudge 2 vm 18
Judgement Day Juggernaut
- Part 2 (1974) Jules and Jim
(1962) Julie & Julia
- Part 2 - Novmov - Part 2 - Divx [ Movshare - Part 2 ]
Julien Donkey-Boy [Sub-ITA] (1999) Jumanji

Jump In (2007)
Jumper - no borders - in Divx: freeload
Junebug (2005)
Jungle Fever (1991)

Juno Jurassic Park - Part 2 - Part 3

Jurassic Park II - [ alternative - Part2 - Part3 ]

Jurassic Park III Just Friends Just A Friend - in Divx: YouLoad (video) - Movshare
JLA: Crisis on Two Earths [Sub-ITA] (2010)

Departure Times From Pier Head Liverpool


W seals!
women W (1970)
Wagon-Lits with murder (1976)
Waist Deep - streets Damned (2006)
Waitress - Ricette d' Love (2007)
Wake of Death starring Jean Claude Van Damme (2004)
Waking Life (2001)
Walk All Over Me - in Divx: Zshare (video) - YouLoad (video) - Movshare
Walk Hard - The Dewey Cox Story - Walk Hard - The Dewey Cox Story
Walk The Line - Walk soul

Walking Tall 2: The Revenge (2007)
Walking Tall 3 - Justice staff (2007)
Wall-E - alternative
Wall Street

Wall Street-Money Never Sleeps - Part 2 - Duckload - Novamov - Videoweed (2010) - Trailer
Wallace & Gromit - The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit - Alternative Link (2005) Walled In
[Eng Sub-Ita] - In Divx: YouLoad (video) - Movshare
Wangan Midnight movie [Sub-ITA] (2009)
Wanted - Choose Your Destiny - alternative

War of the Worlds - The Invasion (2005)
War, Inc - Part 2
Warehouse 13 Hour [Sub-Ita] - Movshare - YouLoad ( video )
War Games - War Games

War Games 2 - The Code of fear - Part 2
Warbirds - L ' island of fear (2008)
Warlock - The Lord of Darkness

Watchmen - Part 2 - alternative - in Divx: Movshare (2009)
Watchmen - Tales of the Black Freighter (Animation, 2009)
Water - The courage to love ( 2005)
Water Horse - Legend of the Deep
Waterboy - The water boy
Watercolors - Part 2 [Sub-ITA] (2008)

Waterworld Way of the Vampire (2005)
We're Back! - A Dinosaur NewYork
We Are Marshall - Part 2 [Sub-ITA] (2006)
We want sex (2010) We Were Soldiers

Weekend, a man and a woman from Saturday to Sunday (1967)
Weekend (1999)
Weekend at Bernie's (1989)
Weekend at Bernie's 2 (1992)
Welcome - in Divx: YouLoad (video) - Movshare (2009)
Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins
Welcome to Collinwood (2002)
Welcome to the Rileys - Part 2 [Sub-ITA] (2010)
Wendigo - the spirit of Evil (2001)
Wendy and Lucy [Sub-Ita] - Movshare - YouLoad (video)
Wendy Wu - the Warrior novice (2006)
Were the World Mine - Part 2 [Sub-ITA] (2008)
West and Soda (1965)
West Side Story (1961)
What Doesen 't Kill You [Sub-Ita] - YouLoad ( video ) - Movshare
What Women Want Whatever

Lola Wants [Sub-ITA] (2007) When Night Is
faling [Sub-Ita]
Whip It [Sub-ITA] (2009) White Chicks

White Noise - Do not Listen
White Noise 2
White Oleander

Whiteout - White Nightmare - in Divx: Movshare
Who Killed Bambi? - Part 2 (2003)
Whore - Whore (1991)
Wieners - A journey rocking
Wild Bill - Part 2 (1995)
Wild Child (2008)
Wild Style
Wild Target - Duckload - Novamov - Videoweed - alternative sub-ITA (2010) - Trailer
Wild Tigers I Have Known [Sub-ITA] (2006) Wild Wild West

Will Hunting - Genius rebel

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Winchester '73 - Part 2 (1950)
Wind Chill - Ice red blood (2007) Windstruck
- Part 2 (2004) Windtalkers

Wing Commander - attack on Earth (1999)
Winged Creatures - The day of destiny - Movshare - Share (video)
Friends Tigger and Winnie the tail

Winnie the Pooh - The Search for Christopher Robin (1997)
Winnie the Pooh - Happy New Year with Winnie The Pooh

Winnie the Pooh - Spirited Bear (2003)
Winnie the Pooh's Heffalump Movie - Winnie the Pooh's Heffalump Movie
Winnie The Pooh - The first Halloween Heffalump Movie (2005)
Winnie the Pooh - Piglet's Hero
Winnie The Pooh - Ro and the magic of Spring (2004)
Winnie The Pooh - All For One, One For All!
Winx Club - The Secret of the Lost Kingdom
3D Winx Club: Magical Adventure [Quality Cam] - Movshare - Duckload (2010) - Trailer
Wishmaster - The Lord desires (1998)
Wishmaster 2 - Evil Never Dies (1999)
Wishmaster 3 - Devil Stone (2001)
Wishmaster 4 - The Prophecy Given (2002)
Wit (2001)
Witch House II (2005)
Within - In Divx: YouLoad (video) - Movshare
Without A Paddle 2 - The Call Of Nature - Movshare
Witness - The Witness (1985)
Wittgenstein (Derek Jarman)
Wolf - The beast is out
Wolf Creek
Wolfhound (2007)
Wolfman - in Divx: Movshare (2010)
Women in Trouble [Sub-ITA] (2009)
Wonder Boys (2000)
Wonderful Days - Part - third party

Woodstock Three Days of Peace and Music-Part One - Veoh - Part - Viddler
World On Fire - in Divx: YouLoad (video) - Movshare - NovaMov - Zshare
World Trade Center
- Part 2
Woyzeck (1979)
Wristcutters - A Love Story (2007)
Written in Blood - Part 2 (2002)
Wrong turn Wrong turn 2

Wrong turn 3 - Left for dead - Parte 3
Wrong Turn At Tahoe - Movshare (2010)