E 'was a real shame because the passage in "Boca de Monos, which gives access to the bay is spectacular. A narrow passage between high steep walls covered with tropical vegetation, a sea made turbulent by the strong current, then suddenly the narrow passage opens into a vast lake that seems to promise and quiet corners of rare beauty, but as soon dubbed Pta Delgada approaching to port the spell ends, oil platforms appear, one yard dok dry, several large vessels moored offshore buoys to large, and a forest of trees at the bottom of boats.
The bay ends in a narrow cul de sac, along the shore line up several sites with hundreds of boats to dry and only three small marinas with boats in water.
Trinidad owes its great development for recreational boating, the fact of being located outside the area affected by hurricanes and a lot of boats passing through the chain of small West Indies, come here to spend the winter season, the logical consequence is that it has developed a real service for the marine industry, with a high level of quality certainly, and at prices that are not distant from the Europeans.
positive note is the wide availability of materials and nautical equipment, all imported directly from the United States at prices far cheaper than the prices at home.
resemble yards of gypsy camps, only that the place of the caravan, there are many boats with their legs, all closely aligned in neat files, they seem almost like large spiders, inhabited by a diverse population.
The vast majority of this population, not floating and flying, but the building is made up of Anglophones, known di poche parole e di comunicazione difficile, il nostro vicino inglese, solo dopo una settimana ha iniziato a salutare stentatamente, ma il problema della comunicazione non è solo dovuto alla difficoltà di stabilire rapporti con gli anglosassoni, (in particolare se sono Inglesi), ma anche al gran numero di barche presenti ed al atteggiamento dei loro equipaggi rispetto al mare ed alla vela.
Ai Caraibi, vi sono tutto sommato pochi navigatori-viaggiatori, la maggior parte lasciano qui la barca per sei mesi, e per gli altri sei , ma spesso meno, fanno delle lunghe vacanze limitando il loro raggio d'azione a poche centinaia di miglia lungo la catena of the Caribbean islands.
In this great mass is easily lost their individuality, everyone is one of many that apparently does the same thing to others. It 's difficult, even after establishing a minimum of communication, someone will ask where you from, what you did, because you surf, who you are, as is the case in less frequented places.
In Argentina and Uruguay, at every port we were swamped with questions from both the occupants of other boats, which local people, no one here has ever asked for anything, are we going around from boat to boat asking and teasing, and by so doing some real navigator and some interesting story always jumps out.
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