PORTUGAL (Jorge Sousa Braga)
I am twenty two years and sometimes you make me feel
as if he had eight hundred
That guilt that I had D. Sebastian were fighting the infidels
north Africa
only because he could not fight the disease which attacked
and never come back
Almost come to think that everything is a lie that
Prince Henry was the brainchild of Walt Disney
Nuno Alvares Pereira, and a mere imitation of
Prince Valiant
not imagine how horny I feel when I hear the anthem
(which my great forefathers forgive me)
Yesterday I was playing poker with the old Restelo
Walk in the outer query Julio de Matos
They gave him CPR and one is recovering
apart from the fact that I now try to convince us
expect a future of roses
One day I shut myself in Jeronimos Monastery to see if
contracted fever Empire
but the only thing I could get was a cold
I turned the Torre do Tombo inside out without achieve-found
bring a pearl that was
roses that Gil Eanes brought Bojador
I'll tell you one thing I never told anyone you know
I am madly in love with you
I wonder
How could I fall in love with a decrepit old man and
idiot like you
but whose heart is even sweeter than sweet the
pastries Tentugal
and body full of black spots in order to squeeze
my will
Portugal can you hear me?
I was born in nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, Salazar
was in power nothing resentments
My brother was in the war, I have friends who emigrated
, no hard feelings
One day I drank nothing vinegar resentments
Portugal after having saved countless times Lusíadas
to swim in the pool hall Braga
would now propose to you a project eminently national
What we were all looking to Ceuta the eye that
Camões left there
You know what color are my eyes?
are brown like my mother
liked to kiss you so passionately
na boca
Io ho ventidue anni e tu, certe volte, mi fai sentire
Come se ne avessi ottocento
Ma che colpa ho io se D. Sebastiano è andato a combattere
Gli infedeli nel Nord d’Africa
Perché semplicemente non era in grado di combattere la malattia che
Attack his genitals
It did not return more
Sometimes even think that it's all a lie, that
Prince Henry the Navigator is the brainchild of Walt
And Nuno Alvares Pereiras is nothing but a bad imitation of Prince Valiant
You can not even imagine my erection when I hear the National Anthem
(chiedo perdono ai miei rispettabilissimi nonni)
Ieri ho giocato a poker con il vecchio di Restelo
È in cura eterna da Julio de Matos
Gli hanno fatto qualche elettroshock e ora è in fase di recupero
Ma sta cercando di convincermi del fatto che ci
Aspetta un grande futuro
Un giorno mi sono rinchiuso nel Monastero dei Jerónimos per vedere se
prendevo la febbre dell’Impero
Ma l’unica What I could get was a
I put the upside Torre do Tombo to see if I could find a
petal of the rose led by Chief Gil Eanes Bojador
If I were rich and bought you a present of it to Empire
I swear, I was able to do such a thing to see you smile
I'll tell you one thing I never told anyone
am madly in love with you
And I ask myself
How did I fall in love with an old and decrepit
idiot like you
But whose heart is sweet, so sweet, more of
pastes Tentúgal
points and the full body of blacks who can wring
When I go
Portugal hear me?
I was born in one thousand nine hundred, Salazar
Era al potere, nessun risentimento
Mio fratello è andato a fare la guerra, alcuni amici miei
Sono emigrati, nessun risentimento
Un giorno ho bevuto aceto, nessun risentimento
Portogallo, dopo aver salvato per tante volte i Lusiadi
A nuoto nella piscina di Braga
Vorrei proporti un progetto eminentemente nazionale
Andiamocene tutti a Ceuta a cercare l’occhio che
Camoes has lost there
know what color are my eyes?
are brown like my mother
I'd kiss you passionately on the mouth