I wrote a book! And this is already in itself an exceptional event, but even more exceptional is that there has been a publisher willing to publish it! In the catalog of
juncture has been present for a few days:
Meetings among the sailors of the oceans
Browsing meet special people who always have something new to tell. In this book you will find exciting tales of terrifying storms, or repetitive diaries of long ocean crossing, but portraits of people who have chosen a different way to live their personal adventure of life. These meetings show how life above all a great human experience, fraught with conditions and populated by different people that not even imagine. Jonathan, the boat and Louis Silvia, is like an island drifting in the ocean, travel longer distances extraordinary, without a precise destination, but "zigzagging" across the seas, often changing your mind because the only way to meet the right people not seek it, but first seek to feel good about themselves in places that match, where, by affinity, they will meet that will in turn "mark" our way. It will be seen therefore, that this choice does not only sail the vast oceans on a small sailboat, but also and above all, make friends, condividere momenti piacevoli, ma anche spiacevoli e difficili. Si naviga di più attraverso gli incontri umani che attra-verso i mari!
Il libro è ordinabile on-line o lo si potrà trovare allo stand del Frangente al Salone di Genova.
Confesso che sono molto emozionato, era già stata una forte emozione sapere che sarebbe stato pubblicato, ma ora è una cosa reale, potrà essere letto dagli amici – che spero saranno indulgenti con me – ma anche da perfetti estranei, sicuramente più impietosi.
Il contatto con un vasto pubblico, per me che non sono uno scrittore, è ora un elemento d’ansia, ma spero che le emozioni vissute da Silvia and myself will be at least in small part, understood.
I write these lines from the edge of Jonathan, in Itaparica - Salvador de Bahia.
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