The galley is made, and water tanks full of diesel, all small maintenance and inspections, we are ready to leave, waiting for just the right wind to sail around Assigned Degrade des Cannes, French Guiana .
From Salvador de Bahia, about 2000 miles, so we are only half of our trip began in Buenos Aires!
But we hope to put a lot less, we will have a direct navigation reserving the right to make a brief stopover in Fernando de No ronha, which is 700 miles from here.
In Salvador we are in practice entrati nella zona degli alisei, che in questa stagione spirano da Est-Nord Est, non dipenderemo più per risalire dai fronti freddi da Sud, che ci hanno fatto fare delle belle galoppate, ma abbi amo anche dovuto restare molto fermi quando ai venti da Sud si sostituivano altrettanto forti venti da nord.
Le prime 400 miglia saranno facilmente di bolina, ma da dopo Recife contiamo di avere venti da Est, e doppiato il capo Calcanhar, avremo svoltato l’angolo, dovrebbe essere un autostrada con corrente e vento sempre a favore!
From tropical heat of the great bay of Todos os Santos, the cold of the Rio de la Plata, the stormy seas of Rio Grande do Sul seem far as belonging to another world, but already we have nostalgia for those areas more difficult from the point in climate and environment, but probably closer to our spirit. But the world is big, not too much you can stand in one place, to paraphrase Moitissie, "do not let the hand of his friend is in your warm" and we in Argentina, Uruguay and South of Brazil, we left too long in our many friendly hands warm!
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