And the people of Burma 'READY FOR REVOLUTION? BURMA Burma, the the Shan rebels preparing weapons REBELS HAVE TO TAKE AND TIRED ENOUGH, I HAVE DECIDED shouldering FUCILI.NELL 'ARTICLE, THERE' A 'AN INTERVIEW WITH BURMESE WAY YOU NAME U THOSE ITS WORDS: "The rebirth depart from here in these mountains, "she announces." The signs tell me that it will. During the riots of 1988 I was a student leader. We have believed in with strength and dignity. Many died, many have disappeared, others fled. Still others, perhaps thousands, remain in prison. We lost, but next time will not end this way. People do not take it anymore, he wants change, it needs fresh air. The generals, our bosses have had their day. "
AND whispers, 'cause that people are used to always be checked, circled REGIME.LA OF LIGHTS ARE HIS LEFT LEG NO LONGER' tendons, YES ', YOU GOT GOOD ....... "There are more tendons. It 'happened in prison."
"Three years in prison, apologized after a long awkward silence," do not forget easily. For six months we have shut down in a hole with no air and no windows. He could hold 20 people, we were in 140. Students especially, but also merchants, doctors, lawyers, engineers. All taken on the street in broad daylight, or indoors at night, torn from their beds. It 'was after the revolt, when they were able to bend with the guns. They were all filmed and photographed It was easy to come looking for us. We live here, and here we stayed. They brought in a barracks, stuck in a tunnel that leads to a room with a single vent on the roof done dome. To breathe they put on each other. But resisting only those at the top, the others died slowly, suffocating. I do not know how many are cracked. I've lost count, in those conditions you can not even understand where you are. The first week I rescued a score. Twenty more the following week, then another twenty, until I was alone. For a month in a row without seeing the light in the middle of my needs. We questioned the military have come from another region, the locals know them, they did not trust. They wanted to know who we were, who led the protests. Refined techniques and humiliating. If I did I warm to sit on a cube of ice and forcing me to be still three or four hours. If asked to drink, opened placed a tap on the ceiling and made a drop of water that always struck me on the same point. "She touches his shoulder:" I think it's called the drop in China. Excruciating, unbearable pain. "Way You now works as a trader, surrounded by girls gathered in what he called their village" invisible. "Treats them as daughters in their host home, where they cook and mend and he, in turn, sends to school. "In Burma," he says, "studying is a privilege for the few, especially for children of military personnel. They have resources and power. It takes a lot of money for books and uniforms. So in the end give up and many are lucky if they find a chore. "The man who sits in front has stopped making political per uscire da quell'inferno ha dovuto firmare un impegno al silenzio. Per sempre. Ma non ha rinunciato alla democrazia. Crede che il cambiamento sia ancora possibile. Resta indifferente quando gli diciamo che la giunta militare, pochi giorni fa, ha messo fuori gioco la leader dell'opposizione Aung San Suu Kyi: non si potrà candidare alle elezioni fissate per il 2010. La considera una mossa prevedibile. Il premio Nobel per la pace è un'icona troppo pericolosa per i vecchi generali aggrappati ad un potere che consente affari d'oro con i ricchi paesi asiatici. Per farci capire, Tu Way ricorre ad un proverbio:
"Da noi si dice che le autorità amano solo tre colori: il bianco dell'eroina, il rosso del rubino, il verde della giada". E' convinced that the new push for change will come from ethnic minorities. "I've heard," he says, "that a few miles from here was fired. They were killed many soldiers of the regime. The underground army of the Shan and the Arcan have allies. After the uprising in September last year we realized that no guns you can not get anything. " The temptation of the armed struggle is a new feeling that lingers on Burma. The "tigers" of the Shan are hiding behind the last hill. We see in the distance, beyond the jungle that surrounds us, after the jade-green rice fields that illuminate the valleys. On board a rickety old jeep on a slip road of red earth carved by hand hundreds of men along the ridge of a mountain that marks the border with the "forbidden land". The Golden Triangle is a hundred miles to the north. To reach that area you need a special permit that is never granted. Officially for security reasons, but in reality because in addition to opium production, refining of heroin, the "forbidden land" is the center of trafficking in precious stones, of which the Chinese are masters, and the smuggling of weapons into the hands of Loose bands who share the territory. U Way You take it away. He devoted himself to his homeland, scattered villages in the jungle, discovered only two decades ago. No one knows how and when they were born. For the authorities are "invisible." But inside those dozens of homes, supported pillars of teak, with tin roof and bamboo structure, home to hundreds of men, women and children. Community fairs, with their past, their tradition that has bound our guide to the real world and finally made "visible". E 'peaceful people, but well-organized. Way tells me that you have weapons and ammunition, hidden and are ready to take them out. They've already done. The complaint is highly efficient, blocking any news. But we have often heard explosions and armed clashes in the region. This is confirmed by the village chief who has clear ideas. "We belong to the Shan State and anyone who should rule must deal with us." We ask him what he thinks of the elections in 2010. Bursts in una grossa risata: "Le ultime le hanno annullate". Ogni giorno la nostra guida percorre questo viottolo che si inerpica come un serpente sulle montagne. Raggiunge i villaggi e tiene il suo discorso: di prevenzione sanitaria, di idraulica, di ingegneria. Dentro la casa principale si radunano gli abitanti: gli uomini seduti in prima fila; le donne, dietro, con i bambini. Si discute di tutto: della nuova scuola in costruzione e dell'acqua presente da due mesi nel villaggio grazie al contributo di alcune ong straniere. Si tratta di cose concrete. La zona è ricchissima di ruscelli e torrenti. Ma si trovano duecento metri più a valle. Per raccoglierla bisognava scendere un costone ripido in mezzo alla giungla e poi risalire con due taniche legate ad un asta come balance and placed on his shoulders. It took a whole day to collect five gallons. U Thu Wa made flood a ditch and turned it into a basin that is fed by a stream. From here starts the irrigation system that supplies water to all homes, especially electricity, thanks to a turbine driven by a waterfall. The former student leader explains the benefits of this little miracle and the people listen, absorbed, often nodding, talking until you decide other innovations. "Today I make policy in this way," said Tu Way U had fun. "The first people died of dysentery. In the villages they live in contact with animals, you sleep, eat, make their needs together. With water rationing, nothing was enough to get sick. "Unseen, unknown to the central government, these hundreds of villages are now connected to towns such as Kalaw. They have discovered another Burma. They are led by men who know how to use a computer, by women who have learned to read and written by young people attending university. For all are the "tigers" of the Shan. The Way You are also U:
"This time," remembers, "we will not be massacred. The weapons were taken where they are. Many had been forcibly conscripted into the army. Have deserted, taking with them their guns. " In my opinion, REBELLION AND 'MORE' CLOSER THAN WE THINK, CERTAINLY KNOW A COMPLAINT THAT ALLOWS NN POINT IS REACHED THE PEOPLE, AS IT IS ORGANIZED, BUT ONE THING IS 'CERTAIN: NN CAN' REMAIN THE HEAD FOR CHINO SEMPRE.PER have a future of peace and freedom ', WHERE IT IS POSSIBLE TO LIVE IN HARMONY AND GROW YOUR COUNTRY IN ALL DIRECTIONS, AND SOMETIMES 'GUERRA.CHE NOT NEED THE' WAR EASY, AND 'RIVOLTA.E' RIVOLUZIONE.E 'INTAKE TO JUSTICE IN THIS VITA.SONO with them, with all my might.