Sunday, July 26, 2009

Block Number On Samsung Reclaim

Francesco Saverio Alessio in Via D'Amelio

ntervento of Francesco Saverio Alessio Via D'Amelio of the event organized by Salvatore Borsellino, Paolo's brother. Filmed July 19, 2009 by Alessandro Nucci

Sunday, July 5, 2009


shipwreck on the coast

Every year the coast Gaucha, demanded a sacrifice among the boats of the port fleeing the cold of the south to the warm waters of central Brazil.

Last year was the turn of the Dawn Treader Ilikai, the flag of Argentina, which started in Rio Grande do Sul on track in Florianopolis, 350miglia further north, suffered severe damage to the glaze for a strong gust of wind from the north, to complicate matters the commander fell in the square and broke two ribs, leaving only the young and inexperienced traveler, a fronteggiare una situazione superiore alle sue capacità. Impossibilitato a gestire gli eventi, il comandante lanciò un may-day, e furono salvati da un cargo di passaggio, che però lasciò il veliero alla deriva, e di esso non si ebbero più sue notizie.

In questa situazione, l’equipaggio, sebbene malconcio, fu salvato e portato incolume a terra.

Quest' anno, purtroppo, il prezzo richiesto dalla costa Gaucha, è stato ben più alto, ha voluto una vita umana.

On 29 June, the ship Maya, carrying only his master, Alberto Canessa, was achieved by extratropical cyclone that hit, cause serious damage, the Uruguayan coast.

A Panamanian-flagged freighter, has seen the Maya, about 45 miles north of Rio Grande, just as he was sinking, and board have seen the captain leave the boat to board the liferaft . The prohibitive weather conditions, seven-meter waves and wind over 40 knots, made it impossible to recover from the unfortunate shipwrecked cargo. They then attended two of the Brazilian Navy ships backed by a plane, but the search of the shipwrecked are so far fruitless.

Alberto Canessa, was an accomplished sailor, who had traveled several times to the same difficult route, I met him at Port Madero, where he lived aboard his boat, and Colonia in Uruguay, where summer went often. With the arrival of the first cold, used as a migratory bird, set sail for the north for "winter" in the warm waters of the bay of Angra dos Rei (south of Rio de Janeiro).

Shortly before her last sailing, Boarnense to a reporter from the newspaper "The Nation", who asked him why he preferred not to live in a of luxury apartments that surround Puerto Madero (Alberto would have had the means), would prefer to live aboard a small ship of eleven meters, Alberto said that in an apartment would have seemed to live "close in a catacomb."

We do not know how the accident occurred, we do not know if it's based on was an error of assessment of the weather, or another error in the conduct of navigation, everything is possible, and almost always at the root of an accident at sea, there is a human error or a chain of causes always be dependent on who owns the media and navigation, but tomorrow they are sterile, and I think we all have to pay un pensiero a questo marinaio, che per il suo anelito di libertà, ha perso la vita in un’alba gelida e tempestosa.

Il naufragio è avvenuto il giorno seguente a quello in cui noi, salpati tre giorni prima proprio da Rio Grande, giungevamo felicemente alle tiepide acque della baia di Porto Belo in Brasile.

Buon vento Alberto, e ovunque ora ti trovi, che tu possa realizzare tutti i tuoi sogni.

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