Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Is The Green Shag Band?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Candy Poster Sayings For A Dance

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Noma Thermostat Wiring O/b

Ivory and orichalcum

"Perché io non voglio avere a che fare con gente che non capisce le citazioni da Battiato!"

E vale anche il contrario.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Ap Bio Lab Diffusion Osmosis

when Lucio LEAVES AX


LUCIO ha due asce, una scabra e una, invece, liscia. Il suo amico LICIO gli chiede quest'ultima in prestito, pregandolo di lasciargliela alla porta di casa. LICIO, a sua volta, ha due porte, anch'esse una scabra e una invece liscia, perciò chiede all'amico a quale delle due egli desidera che sia lasciato l'oggetto. L'altro glielo dice e in più lo prega di dargli, in quella circostanza, una lustratina alla porta. Indi brindano. But leave it to two words.

Lucio, let the ax at the door.

The ax ax rough or smooth?

let the ax to the door smooth.

Licio, I leave the door smooth smooth ax?

Lucio, get out the door and let the ax smooth smooth smooth and mix the door!

( Curtain )

Achille Campanile [DONG, DONG] 87 tragedies in two bars

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Honda Pilot Front End Noise

Perco, perdes

Tutti perdiamo qualcosa. Quello che non perdiamo mai è la coscienza di perdere qualcosa costantemente. Uno perde l'amore e la speranza momentaneamente, si perdono le persone care in modo più o meno permanente, e si perdono anche ombrelli e in maniera permanente. Ci sono gli oggetti che si nascondono, fino a quando ti rendi conto che se ne sono andati, hanno fatto fagotto e non li rivedrai, anche se frughi cento volte nella stessa tasca. Più di una volta capita di perdere qualcosa e non rimpiangerla. Significa che non l'abbiamo persa, ma l'abbiamo solamente tolta di mezzo perché ingombrante e inutile. 
Nel momento della perdita e in tutti quelli immediatamente successivi, può venire incontro la capacità di impersonificazione. Non solo negli altri, ma nel nostro io futuro. Rivolgiamo l'attenzione ai nostri ii passati, a riprova: guardiamoli nelle foto, leggiamoli nei diari, li sentiremo ridicoli, attempati, ci faranno tenerezza, come un bambino, o come qualcuno che non sa ancora niente. Saremo sicuri che quelli non siamo noi. Noi siamo già un io passato, adesso. Focalizzare sé stessi già nel momento in cui avremo superato una perdita, ajuta a semplificare e a ridurre il proprio io attuale, a minimizzare certi moti dell'anima che ci sembrano enormi e che ci fanno patire. Entrare nel capo di qualcun altro diverso da noi, allo stesso modo, ci distanzia dalla mutilation, because this one has no need for what we lost, and we do not need to regain what he lost him.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Aubrey Miles Prosti Free Watch

The foolishness

We are the generation that knows a lot of human thought, without understanding them to the end, without having experienced it firsthand. We have studied collections of authors, and when we did the best we can, we have beds, we never made our sympathies if not for personal (and us even worse: for references, anniversaries and pleasant coincidence).
We talk about things that we do not have experience, we quote Nietzsche to write well without even knowing it: and who has ever read anything written by him? We are a false cultural elite. The titles that do not correspond to our own merits *.

Socrates knew not to know.
We know that Socrates knew, but only because we have reported: Connoisseurs of the third and fourth hand. Our children will not know that Socrates professed his ignorance - and without having more of our best games to do that - and our grandchildren will not know who is Socrates. Nor should we worry: just take up the state of recycling, the art of left (or porridge bowl?) And the poetics of hearsay.
matters is what it is today and today only the things that matter.

* Examples of things that we pretend to know:
- poems by the Latin
- decadence in Italy
- the food (especially wine) and the French Revolution
- Italian cinema that serious
- English
- Walter Benjamin
- Schopenhauer
- the great Russian novels
- write
The list could be lengthened (call for help)

Mi scusi chi si senta offeso.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Signs Of A Pin Stroke

The ass is the most honest of the face ([tʃ] into Brass)

Tinto Brass, also called [tʃ] into adopting the phonetics of Portuguese in Brazil, recently opened the doors of the house the weekly magazine "Diva and Donna" speaking of himself and the difficult experience of a stroke that hit him nine months ago.

"The Miracle of Brass," writes reporter Giancarlo Dotto, "pleasure is man made, only softer in tone and childish, almost abstract, the smiles. He drinks and smokes, bites into the huge wüstel tobacco chews and then turn on (...) "

Then [tʃ] begins to speak into women, eroticism and above asses, and here's how responds to "Diva and Women", exposing what might be termed the 'philosophy of Ass. "

After seeing death in the face, is even stronger passion for some anatomy of women?
More than ever before. On an ethical level the ass is the most honest face, not misleading, it is not hypocritical mask. In my book, edited by Tullio Pironti, beginning with an Aristotelian syllogism. Thesis: your ass is the mirror of the soul antithesis: each is the ass who, summary: show me your ass and tell you who you are.

syllogism that applies in your casting? In
ass is the fate of people. Claudia Koll had to, for example, the mystical implications. You could see where it would go to parry. There was a shadow of melancholy.

Better with Stefania Sandrelli?
Woman as few generous in giving and in the show. When he came out that the key to critics who blame replied: "I am proud to be able to play with your ass."

also generates Serena Grandi.
is Padania. The goddess Tellus. Sunny. Was written in his ass mess and carnality.

the Caprioglio Ashamed?
imagine, had been the mistress of Klaus Kinski. With her in the set had an erection and therefore a permanent holiday. Between us Venetian we understand with their looks.

( Diva and Donna. Women's Weekly. No. 2 18 January 2011)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Ragnarok Pokemon Guild Emblem

Haiti, the Ile à Vache, a paradise with a dark side

Una scheggia della montuosa Haiti staccatosi dalla costa Sud-Ovest, lontana dalle tante difficoltà della martoriata Port au Prince, l'Ile à la Vache, è una sorta di oasi, quasi un piccolo paradiso tropicale, come ormai non se ne vedono più in questi Caraibi turisticizzati e massificati!
"Ile à la Vache", perchè gli spagnoli la utilizzarono come allevamento di bovini per rifornire i galeoni diretti in Europa, ma vi è anche un baia che si chiama Port Morgan, perchè veniva utilizzata come rifugio dal famoso corsaro.
A quiet lagoon with a secret pass unseen by the sea, where Jonathan has cast her anchor after crossing diagonally, from Curacao, the Caribbean Sea around the rough.
The first impression was magical: the still waters, green palms, fishermen who crossed their safe sailing canoes, a small village of huts scattered in the forest. All this we immediately à returned the same feelings of peace and tranquility experienced years before in the Delta of Casamance.
The fishermen and the kids when they approached the Jonathan still had not yet bitten the end, CII has pointed out had similar meetings in Africa.
But it was only a superficial first impression, once we realized that the living conditions here were far more severe than in Africa!
Poverty, total lack of minimum infrastructure, epidemic cholera, have meant that the picture has gone quickly from idyllic dramatic.
E 'was a continuous procession of beggars who proposed small and unnecessary services, and calling for everything from financial aid to pay for the move to bring the sick child in hospital, the shoes to go to school - in the village there is a school, but pays off and there you can go barefoot! -To any piece of cloth to wrap a sail, to help remove the spark plugs of a decrepit outboard engine. - Some have an old engine, but no tools for maintenance! -
We were prepared and had taken part in disinfectant soap and detergents - very useful for the prevention of cholera and completely missing here - that of apprima we distributed "ad personam" and later, so more bodies through an association of local youngsters. Then
cookies, candy and pencils to the continued procession of children who were in the board, some do not even know what to ask, were limited to a "quelque chose ...".
We also helped the crews of three French boats, known in Curacao, which were to bring humanitarian aid of the newly formed association Soshi, the orphanage is built and maintained with dramatic passion and hard work from the tiny Sister Flora. A sort of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who has been through enormous difficulties, collect, care and feeding hundreds of abandoned children, many suffering from serious illnesses both mental and physical.
visit the orphanage (see video) was touching and made us think about how useless and unnecessary, we have and how often futilely wasting our time.
I believe that our young people who all should see and know these realities, to understand how lucky they are, and perhaps to ask every so often settle for less, and more!
The lack of infrastructure is a major problem in the island, evidently there is no electricity, no roads, just trails through the jungle, no drinking water, only wells of brackish water, no latrine. The shortage of water with lalla lack of latrines and soap are the main causes of the spread of cholera, but the island's highest point stands proud of the antenna Digitel, lacking the most basic infrastructure, but cellular coverage is guaranteed everyone!

island is also a modern resort, Puerto Morgan Hotel, Set in a beautiful and excellent facilities.
The hotel is normally frequented by customers who prefer a secluded place, away from the din of the usual resorts for a relaxing holiday and contact with nature.
course, the earthquake, and then the outbreak of cholera, have alienated the clientele of tourists, the only current patrons of humanitarian workers, who come here to recover from the fatigue of hell in Port au Prince, or the hard work of the Orphanage Sister of Flora.
We received a warm welcome by the friendly couple of managers - who helped French- to understand the reality of the island.

Referring Sites:



http://www. levoyagedekakao.blogspot.com /

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Varicose Veins Labia During Pregnancy

Lay the flowers before going out

of Elisa Lorenzini

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Calories Chicken Chow Mein


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pokemondeluge Salamence's Skills

Art Needless Call me what you want

Art Needless
futility of art and letters from Mr Germano dei Prati)

1. "I do not think if not a form of entertainment, if I say art.
Certainly not at any time, or when they pay me to produce it. When they pay me to write, or if someone asks the favor and courtesy of an introductory paragraph, a summa, or some riassuntino gentle and polite response to a letter like yours, that does not deal with subjects of everyday banality. "


2. "But what is really art? If this is not a simple formula to fill a palliative ... of life.
Think a moment about what that really tells us, tells us. The otherworldly dimension, the spirituality that we are trying now to see us, is so subjective that another, if asked suddenly, would not be able locate it, describing - would not be able to see her or hear her. The purpose
teaching is so unrealistic, and never working even when someone who has read a lot and studied a lot, we explain it, immediately perceive the limits of the lesson. And I, frankly, I never learned anything from a work of art.
[...] We can not help feeling that a literary work or plastic, such as they are, are nothing but a representation of a world that does not exist if not completely outside of us, to avoid today not hurt everywhere and always for the lack tomorrow. "


3." I know that I was accused of giving up the search for meaning of art, and sense. It is not true: if I have hinted, is because I contradict myself, if I contradict myself, why is not there yet - and I hope the world does not really exist - a system that contains within it all classes, all forms of life. And art, of course, is part of life.
civilization goes on when he realizes that its borders, the known world, are smaller than we suspect, then destroys them and tries to venture beyond. I do not care to venture much further: indeed, I am in the rear. But I do not do to be a conservative: I'm there to pick up the pieces that others leave behind, and what I find really seems to me that today's society is being moved away from the boundaries that tries to achieve. Contradict me much closer to the discovery of the beyond. "


4." Realism! Realism is nothing more than a policy disqualifying a work of art, and think of all those brave men driven by who knows what feelings positive or negative evaluation of the artist's contribution to the progress of civilization, but based su quanto è simile quell'alberello sullo sfondo di un paesaggio o quanto bello è un dialogo per la resa del linguaggio parlato, della lingua vera (!).
Il realismo non è mai stato un criterio di bellezza, nè di valore, per la critica di un'opera d'arte; chi la pensa diversamente, probabilmente opera un altro procedimento, parimenti degno a quello del critico, ma più simile a quello di un estimatore di copie. Davanti alla complessità del mondo, dinanzi a tutte quelle relazioni che l'arte figurativa non può rappresentare, e pur constatata la difficoltà che l'astratto ha nel rappresentare la verità delle forme, questi apprezza comunque il lavoro di fotocopia del mondo che l'artista realistic attempt to produce continuously. "


5." I feel disheartened. Not a good book can not console me, especially for some 'time, that is since I'm thinking more deeply Placing an art forgery. [...] The night of Fridolin is hers and hers alone; volercisi would see violence so unbearable! And anyway, would masquerade as another. We learn something, grow, thanks to its vicissitudes ... the lie is obvious since every creation is older subjective interpretation, which is the theft of the above, but it is next to the design, successiva all'atto generativo di cui l'opera è figlia: vale a dire [...] [che] vivere l'esperienza della lettura come cosa propria è mistificare la vita stessa.
[...] Per non parlare delle morti: la morte di un personaggio è la prova palese della bugia dell'arte."


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Elliptical Dish Calculation Formula

di Elisa Lorenzini

Monday, January 10, 2011

Funny Speeches From The Movies

A la mañana siguiente Cesare Pavese no pidió que el desayuno

Juan Luis Panero,
  "Los trucos de la muerte", 1975

Solo bajó del tren,
Solo scese dal treno,
atravesó solo la ciudad desierta,
attraversò solo la città deserta,
only entered the empty hotel,
just came nell'hotel vuoto,
opened his lonely room,
the apri lonely sua stanza,
and listened with astonishment the silence.
e ascolto il silenzio with Stupore.
picked up the phone say
They say they picked up the telephone
llama a alguien para,
to call someone,
es fake but completely false.
but it is false, completely false.
No había nadie a quien llama,
There was no one to call,
no one lived in the city, nobody in the world.
viveva nessuno in città, nel mondo nessuno.
drank the glass, small pills,
Bevve bicchiere dal, you Pillole piccole,
and awaited the arrival of the dream.
Aspettando e l'arrivo of sonno.
With some fear worth up to
With a little 'fear for his health
por vez primera -up existencia había afirmado-
- for the first time he said his life-
vez this curious gesture with Cansado,
perhaps strange, with weary gesture,
Sinti weight caer el de sus párpados.
sentì il peso delle palpebre cadere.
Horas después -una extraña sonrisa dibujaba sus labios-
Ore dopo -uno strano sorriso gli disegnava le labbra-
se anunció a sí mismo, tercamente,
annunciò a se stesso, forzosamente,
la única certidumbre que al fin había adquirido:  
l'unica che alla fine certezza AVEVA acquistato:
Jamás volvera sleeping solo en un cuarto de hotel.
May slumbers più avrebbe solo in una camera di hotel.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Can A Sidekick Lx 09 Be Prepaid


di Alvaro de Campos

What in me is not particularly tired
of this or that, not even
everything or nothing:
Tiredness so even himself,

Subtlety of feeling useless,
The violent passions for anything,
The intense love for the supposed one.
All these things - and what
These fouls on them forever -;
All this is a tired,
This tiredness, fatigue

There are doubtless those who love the infinite
There are certainly those who wish the impossible,
There are certainly those who do not want anything -
Three types of idealists, and I none:
Because I love the infinitely finite
Because I impossible desire for the possible
Because I want it all, or a little more, if it can be
Or even if not ...

And the result?
For them life lived or dreamed,
For them the dream dreamed or lived,
For them the mean between nothing and everything, that is, this ...
For me just a great, deep,
And oh that fruitless happiness, tiredness, fatigue
A supremíssimo.
issimo, issimo, issimo,
Tiredness ...
Magritte, La bataille de l'Argonne, 1964, Series
(c) www.masterworksfineart.com

In particular me is tired, not of what

nor this, nor about everything and anything:
tired and just that alone,

Futility of feeling useless,
the violent passions to little things,
's intense love for that someone.
All those things - those
and what they lack-eternally;
everything makes me tired, so tired

There is no doubt those who like the infinite, there is no doubt
those who want the impossible, there is no doubt
who did not want anything -
three types of idealists, and I none of them because I love
infinitely finite
because I would like the impossibly possible
because I want it all, or a little more, if possible,
or even if you can not ...

And the result?
For them, life lived or dreamed, dreamed the dream
for them or lived
for them half of everything and anything, that is, what ...
to me is just a big, deep,
and, ah, how happiness!, barren fatigue, tiredness
A supremissima.
issima, issima, issima,

Friday, January 7, 2011

Bronte Or Stinger Boots ?

I just finished eating (post-compound) to MM

Acabei agora de comer
um campo de tulipas
Não sei o que fazer
com tanta beleza nas tripas*
Jorge Sousa Braga

Van Gogh, Campo di Tulipani (da serapione.ilcannocchiale.it)

* I just finished eating
a field of tulips
I do not know what to do
with so much beauty in body
(shame about the rhyme)

Video taken from this channel. Thanks!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Hire Announcement

Publicado por (...)

The truth? The truth is that we have always been just us.

The languages \u200b\u200bwe use allow us, fortunately, to use that word with that wide margin of ambiguity which returns the deeper meaning of what I'm about to say (I say that?).

We were one, and we have always been together the whole time we were together.

We have always been us, only we, each in its being the only ourselves to ourselves, the whole time we were together.

How strange ... I can say that we have been together for what was, I can not say that we had been together, and this proves that words are imperfect or or allow us to find meaning beyond grammar.
But you left me nothing left, you were a mess, and now I see, albeit dimly, as well as you.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Recipe For Fondant From Cake Boss


The lack of ability to distinguish procedure and the object, becoming and being, lead to conclusions on these contacts, so you find yourself not knowing the difference between mind and matter, and ignore the potential of the former, whereas only the latter.

What Is The Balsa Wood Bridge Designs

Collective Latrones

"The Collective Latrones remixes news , graphic arts and fotoreportages to disseminate information "resistant" Land Work and keep alive the social issues warning on explosive news. The goal is to spread knowledge to awaken the conscience. "

The site contains images and texts on local issues that affect us bells but a bit 'all. Here is the manifest, as we like posters. Please tell us a Giratina, please, while we think of some other way to fill our blog.

images and quotation marks (c) Collective Latrones

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Stoklosa Pharmaceutical Calculations Free E Book


PORTUGAL (Jorge Sousa Braga)

I am twenty two years and sometimes you make me feel
as if he had eight hundred
That guilt that I had D. Sebastian were fighting the infidels
north Africa
only because he could not fight the disease which attacked
and never come back
Almost come to think that everything is a lie that
Prince Henry was the brainchild of Walt Disney
Nuno Alvares Pereira, and a mere imitation of
Prince Valiant
not imagine how horny I feel when I hear the anthem
(which my great forefathers forgive me)
Yesterday I was playing poker with the old Restelo
Walk in the outer query Julio de Matos
They gave him CPR and one is recovering
apart from the fact that I now try to convince us
expect a future of roses
One day I shut myself in Jeronimos Monastery to see if
contracted fever Empire
but the only thing I could get was a cold
I turned the Torre do Tombo inside out without achieve-found
bring a pearl that was
roses that Gil Eanes brought Bojador
I'll tell you one thing I never told anyone you know
I am madly in love with you
I wonder
How could I fall in love with a decrepit old man and
idiot like you
but whose heart is even sweeter than sweet the
pastries Tentugal
and body full of black spots in order to squeeze
my will
Portugal can you hear me?
I was born in nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, Salazar
was in power nothing resentments
My brother was in the war, I have friends who emigrated
, no hard feelings
One day I drank nothing vinegar resentments
Portugal after having saved countless times Lusíadas
to swim in the pool hall Braga
would now propose to you a project eminently national
What we were all looking to Ceuta the eye that
Camões left there

You know what color are my eyes?
are brown like my mother
liked to kiss you so passionately
na boca


Io ho ventidue anni e tu, certe volte, mi fai sentire
Come se ne avessi ottocento
Ma che colpa ho io se D. Sebastiano è andato a combattere
Gli infedeli nel Nord d’Africa
Perché semplicemente non era in grado di combattere la malattia che
Attack his genitals
It did not return more
Sometimes even think that it's all a lie, that
Prince Henry the Navigator is the brainchild of Walt
And Nuno Alvares Pereiras is nothing but a bad imitation of Prince Valiant
You can not even imagine my erection when I hear the National Anthem
(chiedo perdono ai miei rispettabilissimi nonni)
Ieri ho giocato a poker con il vecchio di Restelo
È in cura eterna da Julio de Matos
Gli hanno fatto qualche elettroshock e ora è in fase di recupero
Ma sta cercando di convincermi del fatto che ci
Aspetta un grande futuro
Un giorno mi sono rinchiuso nel Monastero dei Jerónimos per vedere se
prendevo la febbre dell’Impero
Ma l’unica What I could get was a
I put the upside Torre do Tombo to see if I could find a
petal of the rose led by Chief Gil Eanes Bojador
If I were rich and bought you a present of it to Empire
I swear, I was able to do such a thing to see you smile
I'll tell you one thing I never told anyone
am madly in love with you
And I ask myself
How did I fall in love with an old and decrepit
idiot like you
But whose heart is sweet, so sweet, more of
pastes Tentúgal
points and the full body of blacks who can wring
When I go
Portugal hear me?
I was born in one thousand nine hundred, Salazar
Era al potere, nessun risentimento
Mio fratello è andato a fare la guerra, alcuni amici miei
Sono emigrati, nessun risentimento
Un giorno ho bevuto aceto, nessun risentimento
Portogallo, dopo aver salvato per tante volte i Lusiadi
A nuoto nella piscina di Braga
Vorrei proporti un progetto eminentemente nazionale
Andiamocene tutti a Ceuta a cercare l’occhio che
Camoes has lost there
know what color are my eyes?
are brown like my mother
I'd kiss you passionately on the mouth