Saturday, October 10, 2009

Images Of Mysore Mallige

The galley is done ...... Manfred


The galley is made, and water tanks full of diesel, all small maintenance and inspections, we are ready to leave, waiting for just the right wind to sail around Assigned Degrade des Cannes, French Guiana .

From Salvador de Bahia, about 2000 miles, so we are only half of our trip began in Buenos Aires!

But we hope to put a lot less, we will have a direct navigation reserving the right to make a brief stopover in Fernando de No ronha, which is 700 miles from here.

In Salvador we are in practice entrati nella zona degli alisei, che in questa stagione spirano da Est-Nord Est, non dipenderemo più per risalire dai fronti freddi da Sud, che ci hanno fatto fare delle belle galoppate, ma abbi amo anche dovuto restare molto fermi quando ai venti da Sud si sostituivano altrettanto forti venti da nord.

Le prime 400 miglia saranno facilmente di bolina, ma da dopo Recife contiamo di avere venti da Est, e doppiato il capo Calcanhar, avremo svoltato l’angolo, dovrebbe essere un autostrada con corrente e vento sempre a favore!

From tropical heat of the great bay of Todos os Santos, the cold of the Rio de la Plata, the stormy seas of Rio Grande do Sul seem far as belonging to another world, but already we have nostalgia for those areas more difficult from the point in climate and environment, but probably closer to our spirit. But the world is big, not too much you can stand in one place, to paraphrase Moitissie, "do not let the hand of his friend is in your warm" and we in Argentina, Uruguay and South of Brazil, we left too long in our many friendly hands warm!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Death Anniversary Cards

Marktel goes to the Kerguelen!

Manfred Marktel I met in Salvador de Bahia, is the second time that we are in this Brazilian port, the first was in 2006 when he was returning from his daring cruise to South Georgia, has since established a sincere friendship and we are always in touch, but even if we met at other times during our short stay in Italy, for a long time we had not seen in our natural environment, ie on our respective boats, the "Maus" to Manfred, and "Jonathan" for me.
Da qualche tempo mi aveva annunciato il suo desiderio di compiere un’altra navigazione fuori delle rotte comunemente battute, andare fino alle isole Kerguelen, situate a 42°. 24 Sud e 69°. 36 West, circa 2000 miglia a Sud-Est del Capo di Buona Speranza.
Manferd a 67 anni ha ancora la forza, il coraggio e l’entusiasmo di affrontare navigazioni d’impegno non comune in solitario, apparentemente sembrerebbe che vi sia una vena di follia in tutto questo, ma parlando con lui e costatando con quanta meticolosa precisione e saggezza programma le sue imprese, e conoscendo la sua particolare filosofia di vita e di navigazione, si ha invece la certezza, che siano imprese assolutamente razionali.
Non posso fare Another auto-quote me a piece of what I wrote in my book. Zig Zag Route

Meetings with the sailors of the oceans
Edition the wave :

- Manfred Marktel is one of the most unique and exceptional sailors I've ever met during my trips to sea, I am sure that if he I scoff, but I would not hesitate to compare him to great navigators of the past as the Argentine Vito Dumas is best known Moitissier Bernard.
Manfed Met With in Salvador de Bahia, we come from a navigation wet but warm, he, as we have seen a much more difficult and cold. Some similarities between our lives, not least the similar age, Manfred I have more than three years, and the fact of being both born the same day of that month, on March 3 in Pisces, favored from the beginning the birth of a strong current of sympathy.
Manfred, a mechanical engineer, is of Austrian origin, but from an early age he moved to Italy, where he made a brilliant career as a manager, which made him travel around the world. But, like many other members of the Pisces, Manfred has always had in my mind and heart the dream of adventure and the sea - do not forget the illustrious predecessor Bernard Moitissier, he too was born under this sign -. Arrived on the threshold of retirement, Manfred, decided it was now time to dare una svolta alla sua vita e di realizzare i suoi sogni. In lui hanno sempre convissuto un lato sognatore, che lo spinge ad audaci voli, accanto a uno molto razionale e di buon senso, da buon ingegnere e manager quale è stato, che gli dà modo di realizzare le sue avventure con piedi di piombo, senza lasciare il vuoto dietro di sé, e poco concedendo all'imprevisto.
Manfred ha avuto anche la fortuna di avere una moglie che capì essere meglio lasciarlo correre libero, mentre lei restava a casa a “coltivare l'orto di famiglia”, certa che per le festività natalizie e per le vacanze estive sarebbe rientrato dalle sue avventurose scorribande sul mare, per stare un poco con lei, con la figlia, e ora anche con il nipotino. The boat chosen by Manfred
for its navigation is emblematic of its rationality, and also of his philosophy of going to sea. "Maus" is a solid steel boat, round and long keel hull, designed by a teacher for cruising boats, "Van de Stad" and built in Holland. It looks a little to "Rustica" by Brjon Larsson, although latter 's were smaller and built of fiberglass. Are no fast boats, the sea dogs of our Shore Marina will turn up their nose in front of them, but allow both long sailing in rough seas, the North Sea for the "Rural" and "fifty screaming" Southern Ocean for The "Maus" is smaller crews, indeed, in the case of Manfred, reduced to the minimum: one.
Manfred does not sail to travel and visit new countries, as we do Silvia and I, Manfred sailing for the fun of sail, solo, vast expanses of sea, philosophy contained in his own words: "When the reason for travel is not the destination, the journey itself becomes the goal. " It is precisely for this reason that I feel common with Dumas and Moitissier, who have never sailed to achieve a goal, the goal was for them the journey .-

"Fair winds, Manfred, and that the gods of the sea will be propitious! "

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Example Seating Chart For A Wedding

I wrote a book! And this is already in itself an exceptional event, but even more exceptional is that there has been a publisher willing to publish it! In the catalog of
juncture has been present for a few days:

Meetings among the sailors of the oceans


Browsing meet special people who always have something new to tell. In this book you will find exciting tales of terrifying storms, or repetitive diaries of long ocean crossing, but portraits of people who have chosen a different way to live their personal adventure of life. These meetings show how life above all a great human experience, fraught with conditions and populated by different people that not even imagine. Jonathan, the boat and Louis Silvia, is like an island drifting in the ocean, travel longer distances extraordinary, without a precise destination, but "zigzagging" across the seas, often changing your mind because the only way to meet the right people not seek it, but first seek to feel good about themselves in places that match, where, by affinity, they will meet that will in turn "mark" our way. It will be seen therefore, that this choice does not only sail the vast oceans on a small sailboat, but also and above all, make friends, condividere momenti piacevoli, ma anche spiacevoli e difficili. Si naviga di più attraverso gli incontri umani che attra-verso i mari!

Il libro è ordinabile on-line o lo si potrà trovare allo stand del Frangente al Salone di Genova.

Confesso che sono molto emozionato, era già stata una forte emozione sapere che sarebbe stato pubblicato, ma ora è una cosa reale, potrà essere letto dagli amici – che spero saranno indulgenti con me – ma anche da perfetti estranei, sicuramente più impietosi.
Il contatto con un vasto pubblico, per me che non sono uno scrittore, è ora un elemento d’ansia, ma spero che le emozioni vissute da Silvia and myself will be at least in small part, understood.
I write these lines from the edge of Jonathan, in Itaparica - Salvador de Bahia.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Block Number On Samsung Reclaim

Francesco Saverio Alessio in Via D'Amelio

ntervento of Francesco Saverio Alessio Via D'Amelio of the event organized by Salvatore Borsellino, Paolo's brother. Filmed July 19, 2009 by Alessandro Nucci

Sunday, July 5, 2009


shipwreck on the coast

Every year the coast Gaucha, demanded a sacrifice among the boats of the port fleeing the cold of the south to the warm waters of central Brazil.

Last year was the turn of the Dawn Treader Ilikai, the flag of Argentina, which started in Rio Grande do Sul on track in Florianopolis, 350miglia further north, suffered severe damage to the glaze for a strong gust of wind from the north, to complicate matters the commander fell in the square and broke two ribs, leaving only the young and inexperienced traveler, a fronteggiare una situazione superiore alle sue capacità. Impossibilitato a gestire gli eventi, il comandante lanciò un may-day, e furono salvati da un cargo di passaggio, che però lasciò il veliero alla deriva, e di esso non si ebbero più sue notizie.

In questa situazione, l’equipaggio, sebbene malconcio, fu salvato e portato incolume a terra.

Quest' anno, purtroppo, il prezzo richiesto dalla costa Gaucha, è stato ben più alto, ha voluto una vita umana.

On 29 June, the ship Maya, carrying only his master, Alberto Canessa, was achieved by extratropical cyclone that hit, cause serious damage, the Uruguayan coast.

A Panamanian-flagged freighter, has seen the Maya, about 45 miles north of Rio Grande, just as he was sinking, and board have seen the captain leave the boat to board the liferaft . The prohibitive weather conditions, seven-meter waves and wind over 40 knots, made it impossible to recover from the unfortunate shipwrecked cargo. They then attended two of the Brazilian Navy ships backed by a plane, but the search of the shipwrecked are so far fruitless.

Alberto Canessa, was an accomplished sailor, who had traveled several times to the same difficult route, I met him at Port Madero, where he lived aboard his boat, and Colonia in Uruguay, where summer went often. With the arrival of the first cold, used as a migratory bird, set sail for the north for "winter" in the warm waters of the bay of Angra dos Rei (south of Rio de Janeiro).

Shortly before her last sailing, Boarnense to a reporter from the newspaper "The Nation", who asked him why he preferred not to live in a of luxury apartments that surround Puerto Madero (Alberto would have had the means), would prefer to live aboard a small ship of eleven meters, Alberto said that in an apartment would have seemed to live "close in a catacomb."

We do not know how the accident occurred, we do not know if it's based on was an error of assessment of the weather, or another error in the conduct of navigation, everything is possible, and almost always at the root of an accident at sea, there is a human error or a chain of causes always be dependent on who owns the media and navigation, but tomorrow they are sterile, and I think we all have to pay un pensiero a questo marinaio, che per il suo anelito di libertà, ha perso la vita in un’alba gelida e tempestosa.

Il naufragio è avvenuto il giorno seguente a quello in cui noi, salpati tre giorni prima proprio da Rio Grande, giungevamo felicemente alle tiepide acque della baia di Porto Belo in Brasile.

Buon vento Alberto, e ovunque ora ti trovi, che tu possa realizzare tutti i tuoi sogni.

Link correlati:

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Worksheet Find The Hazards

Scalo Gaucha in Rio Grande do Sul

Rio Grande do Sul is the southernmost port in the long Brazilian coast, and is an almost obligatory stop for all ships that go back to the north, in fact, the next piece of navigation is particularly challenging because of the nature of the coast, straight, low and sandy, with no one calling for more than 300 miles, the navigation is made difficult by the strong southerly winds that generate currents that lead to ground (it made the expenditure and Slocum that Dumas), and the equally strong a sudden blow from the north.
But what is unique to this stop is the reception they receive passing boats from Bacellos Lauro, director of the Museo del Mare.
Lauro, cultured and refined, has equipped its facility, located within the Lague dos Patos, a jetty where you can moor freely, with electrical connections, water and WiFi this year!
In return Lauro asked only to fill a Guest Bok and answer the question:
"What for you is a sailboat?"
one time also called for a flag of the boat which then hung in his "kitchen", now room is full and asks for more!

We passed here two years ago, and now we have received such a warm welcome from Lauro to make us feel "at home", so that a little difficult to forecast, and a little because you're really good, we still for the past two weeks!
The Maritime Museum, also home to a recovery facility for sick sea lions and penguins, which are treated here and then released. At our first trip was a sign that we were in the south, now when we'll sail, we know that do not meet again.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Harley Davidson Sayings And Quotes

A free woman

Figure dry, p elle-baked sun, strong limbs SCAV ate and shaped by the wind, a little face furrowed by r ughe with two clear blue eyes that light up when you open its expression in a sunny smile, and years, that are sixty, seem to disappear, to return the image of a young, blonde English girl living in Cape Town.

Schirley appeared in the bay of Colonia del Sacramento - after a night of sailing with a "Pampero" more than 50-knots, preannunciataci mail from mutual friends of sailors, a small boat (25 feet - just over 7 meters), yellow and green , with a curious tree, very low and place almost at the fore.

An exemplary story: started eight animals from Cape ago Town.L 'man with whom he shared his life, and with whom had to leave for an extended trip around the world, never ends the construction of their boat, missing something, and so for ten years! Tired of this grueling wait, one day decides to leave alone buy an old boat - what you could afford - the "Speedwell of Hong Kong" built in 1952, just in the Asian city, land of the famous naval architect Laurent Giles - even the boat would have a story to tell-and through the stormy South Atlantic to Brazil Cabedelo (just north of Recife) . Li meets Pit, a fellow who with a Polynesian catamaran-type 34-foot, self-built, wants to go to Antarctica, Shirley does not pray too much from the taciturn Pit (also we met and we know that nature has!), puts his boat in the dry part for this new adventure. Not reach the Antarctic Peninsula, but twice the "Cabo de Hornos" and after nine months will again Cabedelo

- "Nice, but tough!" -

Their paths diverge, Shirley sailing to the Caribbean, Pit enhances the catamaran, return to the south, it reaches its original destination in Antarctic and returned to Cape Town.

After various adventures Shirley stops in Trinidad, the "Speedwell of Hong Kong", it needs urgent work, his old spent shell in water on all sides! Pit, keep in touch with Shirley mail, convinces her to change the gear to junk Bermudian sloop, the easier for a loner, and does not find the best solution to help her, that building the new tree and bring it to Cape Town Cabedelo with his catamaran!

With the boat equipped with junk - who knows what he thought of the poor Laurent Giles? - Cruising to Baltimore

- "What a truly cool!" -

then Bermuda, the Azores, Canaries, Cabo Verde and Brazil again, until we meet these days. Always alone, with the only company of its big gray cat that follows the departure from Cape Town. Shirley told us that during all these years, both men left in South Africa, who have repeatedly called the Pit to go with them but:

- "No more men, so even if more difficult life is much more free! -

Shirley, simple, basic, discrete, but open meetings, mastered its own little world where you feel safe and made a real free woman and a great sailor, but the day part from Cologne to Buenos Aires, was accompanied by Roberto, a bearded Argentine friend, even the most experienced sailors, when they have to penetrate for the first time in the tricky maze of the Delta need help!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Where To Buy Schwarzkopf


I've never seen a chart with many symbols of sunken ships, such as the Rio de la Plata,
sailing between Buenos Aires and Colonia del Sacrameto, Uruguay, is a slalom between buoys that indicate hulls "undidos" and shallow. I always wondered what had caused this catastrophe, difficult to explain, even taking into account the objectively difficult sailing conditions in these waters. One answer, though sarcastic and ironic, I recently obtained in Cologne.
William, the friend who accompanied me Uruguayo looking for a spare part for my refrigerator, is a man grande con un largo viso simpatico, in cui l'occhio sinistro semi-chiuso , forse per un difetto di natura o per un incidente mai dichiarato, gli conferisce un vago aspetto da bucaniere. Durante il giro alla ricerca di un frigorista che gioca a nascondino con noi, passiamo vicino al “tailler” (laboratorio) di William, che ne approfitta per farvi una breve sosta.
E' un capannone in lamiera perduto nel nulla, circondato da sterpaglie in cui si intravedono scafi abbandonati e rottami d'auto d'epoca, all'interno, in una confusione totale di piccole barche in lavorazione, motori marini, alberi d'alluminio e attrezzature nautiche di ogni genere, spicca una teca in cristallo, in cui fa bella mostra di se, una riproduzione del “Victory” Nelson's beautifully restored and very beautiful, is the only thing that appears new and efficient, although, as William tells me, is very old and fresh from a restoration that lasted eight years. But my attention has perhaps attracted most of the wreckage that the beautiful model, and I ask my companion that engine is, the one painted in green and partially disassembled I see on a bench near the shrine of Victory:
"It 's a Volvo, we recovered from a sailboat sank, but the other one corner we have recovered from a wreck, as all the trees you see hanging on the walls, but come see what I'm doing out here. "
brings me to 'outside, and shows me with evident pride, the hull of a speedboat fiber of about ten meters, it is clear they are assembling a complete cover of decks, and "Flay brig".
"The boat we have recovered from a sunken boat along ten meters, covered by another, but bigger. We have adapted to the dimensions of the hull, and then mount the Mercruiser engine, you've seen before, and resell it. People have to earn a living! "I
the question naturally arises the question that has long haunted me, and asked William, because there are so many shipwrecks. With a grin that further accentuates its appearance pirate replies:
"Porque, por nuestra suerte, los arghentinos not Saben navegar!
Allontanandoci dal “tailler”, passiamo accanto ad un altro grande capannone, sul cui ingresso spicca la scritta – Museo de los Naufragios – mi vengono alla mente i racconti dei falsi fuochi accesi anticamente, lungo le coste della Cornovaglia per attirare i velieri con la falsa promessa di un sicuro approdo per farli naufragare, e poi depredarli. Che il moderno Rio della Plata, non sia poi tanto differente?
Gli amici argentini, che conosco come ottimi naviganti, non me ne vogliano per la frase di Wiliam, anche se a volte, ho visto molti loro connazionali, navigare in modo un poco spericolato!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pharmaceutical Calculation Stoklosa

bow to the east

Il 29 febbraio, weather permitting, will depart from La Spezia "Pasaya, a Sleeker 45 - aluminum and carbon racer from very advanced technical features - Assigned Thailand.

In this there is nothing special, a lot of boats each year from facing the Mediterranean en route to the Far East, although numbers are always lower than that of those who sail with the bow toward the going down of the sun.

The Voyage of the "Pasaya" however, has at least three elements that distinguish it from others.

First - takes place on the anniversary of 140 years of diplomatic relations between Italy and Thailand, and is sponsored by the Embassy of Thailand in Italy.

According - Sails in a very unusual year, in winter, tracing the first stage of the Mediterranean island to island, reach Tel Aviv. It 's a classic route, already covered by the Genoese and Venetian galleys, with the difference that in this time of the Serenissima Republic, closed its routes, laid the gall to secure docks in squeri and the Dalmatian coast, and wait 'arrival of spring to resume navigation.

Terzo, ma per me primo – Al comando vi sarà il mio amico Simone Perotti, alla sua prima esperienza di grande navigazione oceanica, ma conoscendo le sue doti di marinaio, il suo metodico e serio approccio alla navigazione, la sua grande cultura e conoscenza delle cose di mare, sono certo che realizzerà un viaggio perfetto ed un'avventura indimenticabile.

Chi volesse seguire il viaggio di Simone potrà farlo, collegandosi al sito: