Sunday, December 2, 2007

What Was Your Cm Like Before Your Period?

Cars ecological energy. Why not successful?

some alarm among the public for the environmental emergency due to the significant increase in traffic would say that you can raise it again around the second half of the 70s (who knows why everything seems to be initiated in those years !).
before the "oil shock" due to sudden increase in the cost of decided by the crude oil producing countries, then the first reports on air quality, especially in big towns, on the formation of the hole in the ozone layer, on the melting of glaciers and finally on global warming have gradually created more concerns and doubts about the so-called "development model" so far below.
Since then, despite the development of a certain consciousness among the population ecologist (a little 'less probably one of our leaders), the agreements of Kyoto and dissemination of information and data ever more alarming about the future fate of our little planet has been done, even to some extent the environmental situation has worsened, so that for alcuni scienziati ci troviamo già in una situazione di "non ritorno".
L'inquinamento dovuto al traffico automobilistico rappresenta solo una quota, sia pure importante, dell'inquinamento complessivo (mi limito a parlare del solo inquinamento dell'aria, tralasciando quello acustico e luminoso), ma per quanto riguarda le città è il principale, se non unico, agente responsabile dell'emissione e della concentrazione del monossido di carbonio e di numerose altre sostanze nocive attualmente presenti nell'aria.Tutti ormai sappiamo, se non altro a livello olfattivo, che l'aria delle nostre città è diventata un pericolo per la nostra salute e, in particolare, per quella dei nostri bambini e dei nostri anziani.
Apart from the numerous heart and lung diseases that currently, at least for their escalation, are directly related to air quality, it is estimated that at least 80,000 deaths per year are attributable to air pollution in Europe and in particular the exposure particulate matter (PM10, the notorious soot) from traffic automobilistico.Si was necessary to constantly monitor the air quality in large cities and the values \u200b\u200brecorded are often above the permitted limits. Here then is the much-hated (by car) traffic blocks determined by the auditors in the hope of including the air quality parameters within the "right", get up here invocations so that the wind is stronger and move "elsewhere" the lethal powder, suddenly "rain dance" so that the precipitation of dust on the ground (but then where do they go?). What was in these years the attitude of the houses automobile manufacturers for the environment? For many decades, in my opinion, absolute indifference and denial of the problem.
But this must not surprise, is in the nature of things: the car companies, like companies in general, have, in a market economy, by their very nature and pace of the founders of liberal thought, the ethical purpose of promoting the common good than to produce profits e di conquistare quote di mercato sempre più importanti.Fin quando il consumatore non ha cominciato a domandare automobili con più bassi consumi e con un minore impatto per l'ambiente, fin quando la Comunità Europea e i singoli stati, sull'onda di questa richiesta, non hanno iniziato ad imporre parametri più restrittivi in favore di una maggiore salvaguardia dell'ambiente, che motivo avevano le case automobilistiche di modificare la propria politica aziendale?
Certo, una volta avviato il cambiamento nei gusti e nelle aspettative della gente, si è aperta la corsa!
Resta in me, però, un po' di rammarico per un certo ritardo con cui questa trasformazione si è avviata e per le scelte sempre unidirezionalmente addressed for a long, long time towards the use of petroleum as the main if not the only fuel for cars.
A concrete example of what is stated above and kerosene can be provided by the case of cars powered by natural gas or LPG.
In particular, CNG cars, perhaps wrongly assimilated to the category of "green", however, are the concrete benefits from the environmental point of view than petrol and diesel.
First, the methane is not produced from refinery processes for which there are no harmful effects on the environment instead of refined products petrolio.Il its use also does not discharge particulate matter in the air e produce il 14% in meno di emissioni di CO2 rispetto alla benzina e il 18% in meno rispetto al diesel.
Sin dagli anni '50 numerosi automobilisti, attratti probabilmente più dal risparmio in termini economici ottenuto dal minor costo del carburante che per motivazioni di carattere ecologico, hanno provveduto a proprie spese a far modificare il motore della propria auto in favore dell'alimentazione a metano, rinunciando ad un 10/15% di potenza del motore stesso.
Le case automobilistiche? Assolutamente niente: fin quando il fattore"ecologia" non è diventato nel mercato auto un potenziale business in funzione appunto dell'accresciuta coscienza ecologista della popolazione hanno assolutamente snobato il metano come fonte alternativa fuel, and only very recently started to produce cars powered by methane series.
Let us now take a short and necessarily limited overview of the so-called "clean cars". Those
electrically powered cars were among the first "alternative" to be explored.
Leaving aside the ways in which electricity is being produced (ie the way "not clean" that create no problems for the environment), the electrical auotomobili are emitting harmful "zero".
Even if you do not say, there is currently an offer impressive vehicles driven by electric motors, both in terms of the types of such vehicles, sia rispetto alle prestazioni che sono in grado di offrire.
Oltre ai classici automezzi elettrici da lavoro (carrelli elevatori, muletti, ecc.), oggi è possibile acquistare scooter, scooter a tre ruote (tipo le storiche "Ape"), quadricicli, citycar, furgoni commerciali, taxi, minibus, scuolabus, ambulanze, bus, ecc. tutti funzionanti unicamente con batterie ricaricabili elettricamente.
Ma non solo, modelli commerciali di case automobilistiche famose sono disponibili in versione elettrica: la Master della Renault, La Sprinter della Mercedes, la Panda van, la Berlingo, ecc.Numerose amministrazioni comunali, fra le quali Firenze, Roma e Milano hanno elaborato dei protocolli che prevedono forti incentivi purchase of electric cars: cash contributions, exemption from stamp duty for 5 years (then you pay 25% of the amount), half of the insurance costs, etc.. and they both proceeded to install at various points in their respective cities charging stations for the use of electric vehicles.
The average cost of a small city car is about € 10,000 and can move freely even in the LTZ and requests for help obtaining the license provided for ciclomotori.Il weak point of electric cars has always been the autonomy of batteries (and its recharge time).
This limit to some extent still remains: an electric car can travel on average with a charge from 60 to 200 km (depending on model and type of vehicle), reaching a maximum speed of 90 km / h. Therefore can not realistically propose to fully substitute the traditional car, but in my opinion can certainly find a much greater spread than it has today.
Just think how many petrol vehicles are now used exclusively in the urban cycle, as well as those of many ordinary citizens, school buses, cars and local administrations of public and private companies (postal services, gas, electricity, etc.), bus, and so away, and then how much less air unbreathable would with a larger vision on the part of those institutions!
Who is interested to know more about consiglio una visita al sito .
Un piccolo accenno vorrei farlo anche a proposito delle auto ad energia solare.
Finora non è ancora stato trovato un utilizzo convincente della tecnologia dei pannelli fotovoltaici applicata alle automobili.
E' vero che ogni anno (mi sembra nei deserti australiani) si svolge una kermesse per prototipi di auto alimentati ad energia solare, ma si tratta di modelli francamente poco proponibili sotto il profilo commerciale: super leggeri, con una superficie molto ampia per catturare energia sufficiente alla trazione, scomodissimi, eccetera.
Le cito solo per tributare tutta la mia simpatia ed ammirazione a quegli inventori della domenica, a quei "folli visionari" that with a few thousand euro investment and to shut their garage and their wineries that continue to fuel their dream of a cleaner world.
I remain convinced that even in the field of cars car powered by solar energy, a serious scientific research supported by the car manufacturers could and could still produce interesting results.
A quick mention also for the possibility of car driven by compressed air. The scientific research project that revolves around this option is based on a simple mechanical technology: compressed air enter the engine at a pressure of 300 atmospheres in a position to transform the electricity produced by decompression in his motion.
air is supplied and you expel the air! The air in the tanks could be placed either in special service stations (which may be electrically powered by solar or wind power) or through simple household compressors powered from the normal power supply.
I are, unfortunately, currently on the market based on this car tecnologia.In reality some time ago I read about an Italian company (the Aeolus Italy), which announced the impending sale of a car with compressed air and able to get in the loop urban autonomy of 200km and a top speed of 110 km / h.
few days ago I went to see the site of this producer and I only found an ad selling the domain: obviously, unless you like denials, the draft did not go over to port.
cars so-called "hybrid" but undoubtedly a very important segment of the industry and technologically advanced "green car".
speaking ecolologista represent something of a compromise: their pecurialità is in fact being equipped with a twin-engine, an electric motor, which operates up to a speed of 50 km / h (thus the whole path urban!) and a traditional combustion for high speed.
In some phases of driving the two engines work together to save on energy and also reduce the emission of CO2.Le batteries of the electric motor are recharged by the sun normally through a mechanism that conveys the energy produced by the braking system with batteries.
forerunner of this technology has been big news for a change, the car manufacturer Toyota has entered the market in 1997, the Toyota Prius and that in these days celebrated one million cars of this model sold around the world.
With the same technological concept, Toyota has also sold two other models: an SUV, the Lexus RX 400h, and coaches from 400 horses and 3500 6-cylinder engine, the FT-HS.
Another car that has followed the example of Toyota and Honda with the version The Civic Hybrid. The operating characteristics are identical to the Prius.
Absolutely fantastic and innovative device is the hand that turns off the engine at traffic lights and turn on by simply pressing on the accelerator, as when the screen saver on our computer monitors to enter the dark in a power saving mode and with a simple movement of the mouse or pressing any key on the riattiaviamo!
Absolutely out of this market, at least for the moment, European carmakers and nordamericane.Mettendo by the SUV and the Toyota GT (why such a choice of construction for two models of cars is absolutely not suitable for the urban cycle sincerely escapes me), the Prius is the Civic sedan with two very attractive characteristics: they are spacious and comfortable car, provide high performance, feature large vans and are equipped with the most innovative technological devices in terms of security and functionality.
Their price is about € 25,000 and, with government incentives and other incentives for the scrapping of the manufacturers, you can get a discount of 2,800 €.
So are two very good cars (I invite you to view the brochures or go to realize this from a dealer in person) at an affordable price and more respectful of our habitat (they can move easily even with the block Traffic absolute).
So why not have happened? This question
blend the mind without being able to give me answers and definitive.I convincing data are discouraging, at least for us Europeans (not to mention the data refer only to Italy): the percentage of sales of hybrid cars on our continent, both in absolute terms compared to the entire fleet, both in relative terms compared to the hybrid cars sold worldwide, they are absolutely laughable! Today to a hybrid car purchase is a "militant" means the purchase Beppe Grillo and a few others.
Even by our directors, which could give the good example, there is an absolute hiding, how many of the famous "Blue car" or park space available to civil servants are "green" cars of some kind?
But I also wonder: why this system is not marketed for hybrid cars of the car? There are technical impediments? If not, the marketing of cars with engine capacities lower (best selling!) With hybrid engines would not further lower production costs (the famous economies of scale) and therefore make it more palatable to the general public purchase eco-friendly car?
We come finally to 'hydrogen fuel, the "dream", perhaps more concrete with regard to automobile emissions zero harmful: Type in liquid hydrogen and expel water vapor! The first experiments on hydrogen
date back to 1959. Subsequently, NASA has developed considerably in the search function of space missions, so much so that the 60s started to use vectors for space fueled by hydrogen.
course discounts petrolofero U.S. interests in the field has led to research aimed to use such a "fuel" for the land transport moved very late and only after the "demand" for non-polluting fuels has reached levels interesting market.
Currently all the major car manufacturers have the know-how to build hydrogen cars or engines are experimenting in this field.
E 'has long known that in Monaco of Bavaria, for example, BMW uses an experimental basis for a while' time 15 cars in liquid hydrogen for the shuttle service of their executives from the company's headquarters. They are cars that take about ten minutes to fill up and have a range of about 400 km.
The problem with hydrogen cars is no longer so the engine technology rather than how to obtain pure hydrogen in a context of economic compatibility and without adverse environmental impacts.
Hydrogen, as riasaputo, non è presente in natura allo stato puro ma si trova contenuto in grosse quantità ad esempio nell'acqua.
Esso può essere estratto con un processo abbastanza semplice di ettrolisi, ma questo processo consuma molta elettricità: se questa a sua volta continua ad essere prodotta attraverso i metodi tradizionali che utilizzano risorse non rinnovabili ci troviamo di nuovo di fronte al famoso gatto che si morde la coda!
In questi termini la tecnologia dell'idrogeno risulta ancora troppo costosa e il suo rendimento complessivo ancora insoddisfacente.
E' proprio di questi giorni, comunque, l'annuncio clamoroso dato dalla GM che progetta di commercializzare auto a idrogeno entro il 2011. Se questa promessa sarà maintained this could mean quite a domino effect among all the other car!
we can do is cross our fingers and aspettare.Quale will be the future of our cars? Hard to say. What is highly likely (and I hope) is that in a few years the cars powered by petroleum derivatives are an endangered breed. To endorse my hope is the fact that in a few decades, the oil (as a source of non-renewable energy) will begin its downturn in terms of availability (I dare not think about the political and economic upheavals that this process will entail. ..) for which it will become uneconomical to use.
No one of those infused with blind faith and boundless against the inexorable progress of technology, but even I do not feel inspired by feelings of eighteenth-century Luddites memory, nor do I seem realistic for the solution of the problems that we face an environmental and generics ideological appeals of those who say "let's all go biking."
Italy holds the world record of cars per population in 2000, the latest data that I could access, there were 56 cars per 100 inhabitants and in the last 7 years there will be little things improved! Increase rail transport for large movements (especially of goods) and improve public services for the urban cycle is certainly objectives to be achieved as soon as possible to ease significantly the traffic problem, but make it immediately available and accessible non-polluting means of transport is the only possible solution to try to reverse the damage that we have produced in recent years on the air we breathe in our city!


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