Monday, January 10, 2011

Funny Speeches From The Movies

A la mañana siguiente Cesare Pavese no pidió que el desayuno

Juan Luis Panero,
  "Los trucos de la muerte", 1975

Solo bajó del tren,
Solo scese dal treno,
atravesó solo la ciudad desierta,
attraversò solo la città deserta,
only entered the empty hotel,
just came nell'hotel vuoto,
opened his lonely room,
the apri lonely sua stanza,
and listened with astonishment the silence.
e ascolto il silenzio with Stupore.
picked up the phone say
They say they picked up the telephone
llama a alguien para,
to call someone,
es fake but completely false.
but it is false, completely false.
No había nadie a quien llama,
There was no one to call,
no one lived in the city, nobody in the world.
viveva nessuno in città, nel mondo nessuno.
drank the glass, small pills,
Bevve bicchiere dal, you Pillole piccole,
and awaited the arrival of the dream.
Aspettando e l'arrivo of sonno.
With some fear worth up to
With a little 'fear for his health
por vez primera -up existencia había afirmado-
- for the first time he said his life-
vez this curious gesture with Cansado,
perhaps strange, with weary gesture,
Sinti weight caer el de sus párpados.
sentì il peso delle palpebre cadere.
Horas después -una extraña sonrisa dibujaba sus labios-
Ore dopo -uno strano sorriso gli disegnava le labbra-
se anunció a sí mismo, tercamente,
annunciò a se stesso, forzosamente,
la única certidumbre que al fin había adquirido:  
l'unica che alla fine certezza AVEVA acquistato:
Jamás volvera sleeping solo en un cuarto de hotel.
May slumbers più avrebbe solo in una camera di hotel.


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